Accessing the Conference


The sessions will be streamed via YouTube with SliDo as our Q&A and chat system. There is an optional Gather session running alongside, which is a virtual world.

Near to the conference date we will send you details of how to access the conference to your email. Alternatively, check for our streams on our YouTube: :)

During the day use the links in the stream descriptions to navigate around the conference. A tutorial on using the software will be gone through in the intro session too.


To access YouTube: Any device should work, but we recommend a laptop or desktop PC to enable a big enough screen to see any content on the stream.

To access SliDo: Any device should work.

To access Gather: You will need a laptop/desktop PC with the Chrome or Firefox browser.

What to do if you have problems on the day

If there are problems, first try refreshing the page to see if this fixes it. If not, check your internet connection is stable. If you are still having trouble, try another browser, for example Chrome or Firefox.

If all that fails, please get in contact with us at and we'll try to help fix any problems. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to fix everything, but we will try our best.

The YouTube sessions will be recorded for viewing later if you have issues watching them on the day, so don't worry about missing any content.

Using YouTube

Find our streams at: and check the video description of one to find links to navigate around the conference.

Watch the stream on the left and use the chat on the right. An example of how it will look:

Using SliDo

Visit and login with event code: acecon20

Once in, see below for how to use SliDo.

Using Gather

See our main page on how to use Gather here:


You are welcome to use an anonymous or false name for the chat, questions, and Gather, but please do not use an offensive name or one that impersonates someone else.

For hosts and moderators

You will be sent a separate set of instructions in email and be given training in how to access and use moderator controls.

(last updated 31st August 2020)