
You can reach me in the office 1030 in the Faculty of Sciences, by telephone 942-20-14-33 or via email at etayomu@unican.es .

Hi, I'm Ujué Etayo.

I'm a profesora ayudante doctor  in the University of Cantabria.

In 2022, I have been awarded the Jose Luís Rubio de Francia prize and the Premio de Investigacion del Consejo Social Juan María Pares prize. In 2020 I was awarded the Vicent Caselles prize.

I belong to the following nets:

My projects are included on my short CV. If you want a more detailed CV, please contact me at etayomu@unican.es.

I'm interested in evenly distributions of finite sets of points on manifolds and the relation between this structures and any kind of mathematical problems. 

Key words: condition number, determinantal point process, logarithmic energy, Bombieri inequality.

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