Mayoral Recognition Program

Mayoral Recognition Program

Application Process:

Guidelines for Urbana High School Student Community Service Hours:

1. Purpose: Community service hours provide an opportunity for high school students to actively engage with their communities, develop skills, and contribute to the betterment of society. It is important to understand that only certain types of activities are considered eligible for community service hours. Club work that does not directly benefit the community or involve service to others may not count towards community service hours. 

2. Eligible Activities: Community service hours should involve activities that directly contribute to the welfare and improvement of the community. Examples of eligible activities include volunteering at local non-profit organizations, assisting at food banks or homeless shelters, participating in environmental clean-up projects, tutoring or mentoring younger students, organizing fundraising events for charitable causes, and participating in community service projects organized by the school or local government. 

3. Documentation: To ensure proper recognition and verification of community service hours, it is important to maintain accurate documentation. Students should keep a record of the organization or project they volunteered for, the dates and hours spent, and a brief description of the tasks performed. It is advisable to obtain a supervisor's signature or letter confirming the completion of the service hours. 

4. Verification: Community service hours should be verified by a responsible adult supervisor or representative of the organization. This could be a teacher, club advisor, non-profit coordinator, or any other designated individual who can confirm the student's participation and the nature of the service performed. It is important to provide contact information for verification purposes if required. 

5. Time Commitment: High school students are often required to complete a specific number of community service hours to fulfill graduation or program requirements. It is essential to check with the school's guidelines or specific program requirements to determine the minimum number of hours needed. Additionally, students should plan their community service activities in advance to ensure they have sufficient time to complete the required hours. 

6. Reflection and Learning: Community service should not only be about fulfilling a requirement but also an opportunity for personal growth and learning. Students are encouraged to reflect on their experiences, the impact of their service, and the skills or knowledge gained during their involvement. This reflection can be done by answering our short interview questions.

Remember, the purpose of community service hours is to actively contribute to the community and learn through the experience. It is important to choose activities that align with the guidelines mentioned above and to seek guidance from school authorities or program coordinators if there are any questions or concerns.