
Challenge Notebooks

Here you can download the Challenge notebooks for the UH Quantum Computing Fest. They were kindly provided by IBM as part of the Qiskit Fall Fest 2023. You will need a password to download the files. This will be provided on Saturday to guarantee a fair competition!

Notice that there are 3 Labs that have an auto-grade functionality, and that will be used to select the winners, so you should focus on solving these labs first:

There are two extra labs, without an autograding functionality, These will be used as tie-breakers in case two or more persons are tied in the first 3 labs. We strongly suggest to try these ones only after you are all done with the previous ones!

Get things ready for the event

Welcome again to the Qiskit Fall Fest! To properly run these challenge notebooks, please make sure you’re following the instructions below:


IF USING IBM QUANTUM LAB (recommended for beginners)

 *See how to create a IBM Quantum account below

You’re ready to begin! We strongly suggest watching the video that will come alongside the challenge files for instructions on how to upload the notebooks and also get your images working properly.

For more advanced users:



Upload the notebooks and images into the hosted Jupyter environment.

In the top code cell of one of the notebook, please run the following code to install the grader and Qiskit:

  !pip install 'qc-grader[qiskit] @ git+'


 Follow your hosted Jupyter environment's instructions for uploading notebooks to upload all the Qiskit Fall Fest Challenges notebooks.



 You should have a Python 3.10 or greater virtual environment.



You need to install our grader client, Qiskit, and Jupyter Lab to successfully run the notebooks.


From a terminal window in your Python virtual environment, run one of these commands:


If you need to install the grader client, Qiskit, and Jupyter Lab run:


  pip install 'qc-grader[qiskit,jupyter] @ git+'


 If you already have Jupyter Lab in your Python virtual environment and only need to install the grader client and Qiskit then run:


  pip install 'qc-grader[qiskit] @ git+'


 If you already have Jupyter Lab and Qiskit (version 0.44.0 or greater) installed in your Python virtual environment and only need to install the grader client then run:


  pip install 'git+'



From a terminal window in your Python virtual environment.


Change to the directory where all the Qiskit Fall Fest Challenges notebooks reside. For example:


  cd ~/Qiskit-Fall-Fest-Challenges-Notebooks


Launch Jupyter Lab:


  jupyter lab 


This should launch your Jupyter Lab instance in a new browser window showing the Qiskit Fall Fest Challenges notebooks.

Create an IBM Quantum account

Python and Jupyter Notebooks installation (advanced users)

Quantum Computing resources