

Senior Seminar in Genetics on "speciation" website is HERE.

My prior teaching of Intro (Organismal) Bio for Non-Bio Majors is HERE

The GitHub repo for my "textbook" on Molecular Ecology is HERE, and the website for that class (for now) is here

Efforts to train students in DNA barcoding of freshwater mussels is described here, and now here.

Guest lecture on Rigor & Reproducibility, from a biodiversity perspective

Guest lecture on Conservation Genetics for ECOL 8750


The best quick way to evaluate our research – old and new – is using Google Scholar profiles. If you want to know more about what we are really thinking on right now, a recent paper or two:

Latitudinal variation and plasticity in response to temperature in Geukensia demissa

Theresa Erlenbach & J. P. Wares (2023)

A review of asteroid biology in the context of sea star wasting: possible causes and consequences

Nathalie Oulhen et al. (2022)

Field Work and Lab Policy Document


Data files, repositories, code can be found HERE. Whenever I actually generate data. A lot of it will be elsewhere (NCBI, BCO-DMO) but I'll try to make it easy to find from here. Oh come on, if you've seen my office you know its just best that I leave breadcrumbs to the important stuff. 

My Figshare data