Nonlinear Optics

When very strong optical beams are sent through a 'nonlinear medium' some magical effects happen!

We harness these phenomena for applications in telecommunications and Microwave Photonics.

Our focus is on the interaction between photons and phonons in an optical medium know as stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) for signal processing applications.

Reena is working on this topic

50 dB of on-chip SBS gain. This is a world-record. (Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35, 846-854, 2017 (Invited) )

Selected Publications

A. Choudhary, Y. Liu, D. Marpaung, B. J. Eggleton, “On-chip Brillouin filtering of RF and Optical Signals,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 6 2018 (Invited) Link

A. Choudhary, B. Morrison, I. Aryanfar, S. Shahnia, M. Pagani, Y. Liu, K. Vu, S. Madden, D. Marpaung, and B. J. Eggleton, “Advanced microwave photonic signal processing with giant on-chip Brillouin gain,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35, 846-854, 2017 (Invited) Link

A. Choudhary, I. Aryanfar, S. Shahnia, B. Morrison, K. Vu, S. Madden, B. Luther-Davies, D. Marpaung, B. J. Eggleton, “Tailoring of the Brillouin gain for on-chip widely tunable and broadband microwave photonic filters”, Optics Letters 41, 436-439, 2016 Link

A. Choudhary and F.König, “Efficient frequency shifting of dispersive waves at solitons”, Optics Express, 20, 5538-5546, 2012 Link