UFO phenomena and perpetual motion machines

Mysteries, Unsolved historical events, Forgotten inventions...

"Certain academic circles are declaring that “the idea is pure fantasy; this cannot be true because it contradicts the laws of nature!” Of course, they forget to mention what they exactly mean about “laws of nature” since “nature” or “universe” are boundless notions the full comprehension and mapping of which is impossible. "

UFO phenomena and perpetual motion machines is a book written by Richard Zele in 2014. The book was published on CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; first edition (October 20, 2015)

  • ISBN-10: 1518699014
  • ISBN-13: 978-1518699016

All content on this website is copyrighted.

Here You can buy this book: https://www.amazon.com/UFO-phenomena-perpetual-motion-machines/dp/1518699014

On this website You can read 10 chapters:

I. Introduction

II. Tesla and Bóday, or is it free energy that is “forbidden”?

III. Nikola Tesla

IV. Chances of an open society

V. Hitler, or letting the genie out of the bottle

VI. Maria Orsic(?) and the Vril Society(?)

VII. UFO phenomena: Myth or Reality?

VIII. UFO evidence?

IX. The Dendera light

X. The myth of the Burrows Cave

XI. Traces of ancient extraterrestrials?

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