Maria Orsic(?) and the Vril Society(?)

Maria Orsic(?) and the Vril Society(?)

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There are two question marks in the above subtitle. It is not by coincidence. The below summary is cluttered up by so many unchecked (unverifiable) data that it certainly justifies the presence of the two question marks. First I am going to publish the available information, and then I will make a couple of observations in respect of the phenomenon itself.

Maria Orsic was born on 31 October 1895 in Zagreb or, according to other sources, in Austria. She arrived in Munich in 1919, and after a short while she got in touch with the Thule Society. They founded the so-called Vril Society (Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik). The inner circle of the society was composed exclusively of women who had psychic skills. A certain “Traute A.” from Munich was a member of the management of the society as well, but her full name remained lost in the auspicious shadow. The leaders of the society wore waist-long hair without exception to help them establish contact with certain superior beings. In December 1919, Berchtesgaden, Germany, gave place to the meeting of three secret societies. The leaders of the Vril Society, the Thule Society, and the DHvSS met each other to discuss a specific matter. Maria Orsic was the promoter since she asserted she had received a message. This psychic message contained a description based on which they could construct a vehicle capable of making intergalactic flights. By the way, this message arrived from the Aldebaran system. A member of the table, called “Sigrun” [‘victory-witing’], whose real personality remained also hidden, would help with the translation of the message written in the ancient Sumerian language.

The description was for the draft of an aircraft. An agreement was concluded to construct the flying vehicle.

In 1924 Maria accompanied by Rudolf von Sebottendorf visited Rudolf Hess. Sebottendorf wanted to get in touch with Dietrich Eckart, who departed from this life a year earlier. The members of the society were holding hands and making use of Maria’s medium connections managed to invoke Eckart’s ghost. Maria Orsic speaking with Eckart’s voice related that the Sumerians were an ancient humanoid race who came to Earth 500 million years ago. They founded the first cities on the land of ancient Iraq. Sebottendorf continued to be skeptic and demanded evidence. The medium still being in trance started to draw signs that were entirely matching the Sumerian cuneiform writing.

The next meeting took place in December 1943. The basis of the meeting was the so-called Aldebaran plan. Right then they discussed the punctilious details of how they would return to the planet whence the first conquerors arrived here from a great many years ago.

The last encounter took place on 22 January 1944, when members of the highest Nazi command were also attending. Among them Himmler, Hitler, and the Vril Society. Only the last details remained to be discussed to clarify and refine when the “Vril 7 fighter,”capable of a dimension leap, would be launched and whom it was going to carry on board. On 11 March 1945, the members of the Vril Society received a letter signed by Maria Orsic: “Nobody stayed here.”

Nobody heard about the society any longer, and Maria Orsic did not leave any sign of life ever after.

By the way, there are several versions of the story where the names and dates are different. The society is supposed to be existent even now under the name of “Causa Nostra Vril” .

The above story is a typical closed theory that is almost impossible to be confirmed or refuted. Let us analyze some questions that can be asked, yet we will not achieve any result in the current situation. If we claimed some secret documents about the operation of the society exist it would be fair enough for the defenders of the myth to state that no documents about a secret society could have remained available; hence such documents would have jeopardized the very existence and operation of the society itself. Following the same logic not a single genuine report could have subsisted about the different meetings. We would not find any witnesses either since these events occurred almost 70 years ago. I would not undertake the interpretation of psychic messages. Referring to ancient civilizations that existed several million years ago is always comfortable and safe since the story is unverifiable. The theory of a humanoid race populating planet Earth is popular amongst certain scientists as well. What about if during the Second World War the Germans were capable of constructing a spaceship able to perform a dimension leap as well? Also, saying that they were not able to do that because of the limited level of technical knowledge of their era and so this would be impossible proves to be an insufficient counterstatement.

A good example to illustrate this view is the fact that the way pyramids were constructed has raised vivid disputes throughout scientific circles even until now. Many believe that at the technical level of that given era this kind of building could have not been erected either. Yet these mighty buildings amazing the engineers are still standing there in Mexico and in Egypt. By the way, the very problem about these closed theories is that they are very difficult to rebut, but at the same time anyone stating arguments in favor can also be put into a tough situation, since saying that “it cannot be rebutted” ought not to be considered as an argument. It would have been advantageous (because of the historical events that occurred) if these societies would have not meant more than a theoretical challenge. Nevertheless, the Thule unlike the Vril did really exist and acted as a foundation to the strengthening of the German extreme right.

Let us look at some of the controversies regarding this story. The second part of the book The Morning of Magicians has a quite unusual title: “A few years totally elsewhere.” The reader who comes across this book for the first time will not understand this interesting subtitle.

As a matter of fact the coauthors of this volume performed an amazing job. This book is a unique sample of its kind; I would recommend it to everybody. Let me please quote some thoughts written in the book. I believe these remarks will get us close to understanding what might have happened at all in Germany during the Second World War. I emphasize again: those looking for the sense of the story will not get closer simply by trying to unfold the dry historical facts as much as possible. We are not searching for this. We need the background mental information that will lead us to find the real motivation factors. Some would nicely wave their hands and declare giddily: “This is way too much esoteric or spiritual; history is driven by wars and money!” This statement is partly true, but they just form part of the execution. An inner drive lies always in human motivation. It is much more the matter of principles that drives the history of the world. Let us look at what can be read in the reference book regarding this: “We did not go nuts and we do not believe that history can be explained by secret societies. At the same time, it is strange to see that everything in connection with Nazism is “another world” which prevailed over us for some years. It was defeated but did not perish neither on the far bank of the Rhine nor elsewhere. And this is not frightening but what is frightening is our own ignorance.” (Page 230. Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier: The Morning of Magicians [Hungarian: Mágusok hajnala, Budapest, 1989, Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó; French: Le matin des magiciens, Paris, 1960, éditeurs Gallimard].)

A famous writer saids once: “Ignorance is the greatest danger.” This is entirely true. One who is not aware enough could easily find himself immured in an outlying corner of an old cellar….

What does the quotation refer to? When one is walking along the narrow confine between light and darkness, what would serve as orientation points of humanity? We saw what happens if we are going off the path: havoc and chaos; this is brought along with an untrammeled greed for power. This is particularly true if someone asks for the help of demonic powers, which ought to be kept right there where they belong. We will never receive one single answer! Naturally, we are seeking the Holy Grail of knowledge, but we will never have it.

This condition is exactly what the following quotation refers to: “We do not recommend that readers draw genealogical trees like: Rosicrucians – Bulwer – Lytton – Little – Mathers – Crowley – Hitler, neither do we advise that they keep in mind any other origination theories of this kind, otherwise Mrs. Blavatsky or Mr. Gurdjieff would enter into the story. Playing with genealogy is like the spreading of the influence of literature. This is an endless game because unsolved questions always remain there. When talking about literature, one can think about a genius and such is the power in the context of history. Golden Dawn cannot act as an explanation to the existence of the Thule Group or the Enlightened Lodge or the Ahnenherbe.” (Page 232. Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier: The Morning of Magicians.)

This will always be the biggest problem when someone tries to find the sources. It is ever so if one moves around in a field fortified by secrets. Secret societies have been accompanying the entire history of mankind. The “inside ring” may have possessed those pieces of information that raised them from a larger community of people. However, shall we ask the question if we can talk about real knowledge? Did these societies always have real subject matter in their possession, or wass the whole thing not more than hocus-pocus.

Aleister Crowley had become a figure of cult even during his lifetime, but in reality he was also a fallible man suffering from this own longing who died poor and miserably. His only skill was manipulating people around him. He used their fears and desires in his own interest. He is said to have been capable of manipulating people, and he possessed a real demonic force. I believe he was very agile to recognize those hidden human desires, which in fact all of us are carrying within. We try to hide them. If we manage to suppress them and we have an accurate parry, then we can proudly declare: “We are not suffering from any sort of compulsion.” We are closer to the truth by saying: “Right now we are asymptomatic, and we communicate this in the right way.”

What could be the difference between Crowley and Hitler? Crowley also destroyed quite some lives and mucked up some communities. He faced several levels of the society of his era, but the damage he caused by his activities remains to be specified, unlike Hitler, who sent almost the entire modern civilization to auto-da-fé. What kind of force could have formed his background?

The vril

In his book Generation of the future, Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote about a certain force the possession of which could furnish someone with unbelievable assets if he can treat it adequately. The story is about a species living underground that is capable of using this force for destruction and creation alike. The exiles are waiting only for getting back on the surface and taking back the power. They have the necessary force in their possession to achieve this.

“What is vril?” I ask.

Zeé entered into a long explanation which I hardly understood because none of the languages I knew had a single relevant term for “vril.” I would call it electricity, but its plural form points to other natural forces that our scientific language calls “magnetism,” “galvanism,” and so forth.

This people believe they found vril as the synthesis of natural forces that many philosophers on our planet were presuming and to which Faraday was referring to using cautiously as the factor of interrelation: “I have long held an opinion, says the celebrated naturalist, almost amounting to conviction, in common I believe with many others of natural knowledge, that the various forms under which the forces of matter are made manifest have one common origin; or, in other words, are so directly and mutually dependent, that they are convertible, as it were, one into another, and possess equivalents of power in their action.

These underground philosophers affirm that using a sort of action performed by the Vril, Faraday might have called it atmospheric magnetism, they could exert an influence on temperature changes, i.e. the weather; while with other types of actions of the same Vril, which are akin to mesmerism and attributed to electro-biological effects, but using the conductive capacity of the Vril they could affect the mind, the behavior of animals and the body of plants and moreover such a strong force that a similar one is not even mentioned in the tales about our own mystics.” (Page 36. Edward Bulwer-Lytton: The Coming Race (1871), Franklin Association, 1880)

Did Hitler want to obtain this knowledge in reality? Was it the case that he did possess it for a certain period but, taking into consideration that he could not entirely handle it, at the end of the day this force turned against him? It was Hitler himself who forbade the occult societies right after Hess having taken his final decision in 1941, which led to his voyage to Scotland. From this moment on it was forbidden to deal openly with mystic doctrines. Of course, there are exceptions, as usual. Societies and persons serving the direct interests of the Nazi inner circle could of course continue with their beneficial activities. One of them was the group led and supervised by Himmler, the spiritual center of which was located in the castle of Wewelsburg. When Himmler saw the stately location, he made a quick decision. No matter the price, the empire’s most magnificent building will be built there. It is quite peculiar when, at the end of the war the American troops reached the castle that housed the cultic ceremonies, the whole library composed of several tens of thousands very rare volumes just sort of disappeared.

If we want to corroborate the existence of the Vril Society by using historical data, we will find ourselves in quite a big trouble, though this is not a clincher since it was a society that really did operate behind the scenes. Let us look what Pauwels and Bergier had written about this: Page 228: “Dr. Willy Ley, one of the world’s most prestigious missile experts, escaped from Germany in 1933. We know from him that shortly before the outburst of the Nazis a small, yet for us a very important spiritual community was formed. This secret society was organized in the full sense of the word written in the book of the British Bulwer-Lytton called Generation of the future. The novel relates the story of men whose spiritual ideology was much more developed than ours. They learned how to command themselves and other things as well; that is to say, they resembled the gods. Nevertheless, they are hiding for the time being. They live in caves close to the center of the Earth. Soon they will return and rule upon us.” (Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier: The Morning of Magicians)

Ahnenerbe, or the heritage of the ancestors

A strange expedition runs through the Tibetan ridge of mountains. Several disciplines are represented by excellent experts like Ernst Schäfer. This is well-equipped expedition since the exercise itself is not simple either. Nonetheless, if someone looks at the equipment in the bags, he would raise his eyebrows. Why does a mountaineering expedition need supplies like plaster, tooth extractor, and others that a smaller laboratory would envy? The expedition combines work with pleasure. Besides conquering mountain peaks they will conduct certain anthropological inspections among the members of the local community. Certain persons enjoy being on the spot and subject themselves happily if someone takes a plaster sample of their heads. In several cases, the events almost ended up in tragic results since, caused by trepidation, some persons almost got smothered because plaster sets hard very quickly. This was followed by a quite unpleasant tooth extraction. At the same time there are always persons who undergo this procedure in exchange for less valuable gifts. However, the most important thing is that everything was documented carefully. A couple of thousand hours of unedited material recording the astonishing was prepared. One of the shots shows when right in front of the camera they excavate a bowl that appeared to be ancient bearing the well-known symbol of the swastika. Before any spectator could have the chance to run a deeper analysis, the camera records the next scene. What is happening here? What is this story inclined to absurdity all about? Are those “ancient” objects bearing the inverted swastika without exception genuine or real?

The archive records illustrate another hair-raising brainchild of Hitler’s regime, one that came to the world with the aim of trying to force ideology on reality. Could this kind of attempt be successful? Soon Hitler would experience it as well when in 1941 he started his siege against Russia, his former ally. It is true that the expedition concluded between March 1938 and August 1939 met some certain distorted expectations, but otherwise it did not have much use. Its purpose was to confirm the entail of the German Arya. How did this movement develop?

Himmler founded the Ahnenerbe in July 1935. Hitler was assuring the almost unlimited financial resources for this mad plan. Everything would come true for such a perverse ideology: expeditions to Tibet, to South America, and to Mexico, human testing that leaves many casualties behind, and the renovation of the Wewelsburg castle and its use as a cultic center. The series was not over since this was the place where the black order and the operational rules of the SS were born. After the return of the expedition, Himmler and Hitler were extraordinarily satisfied. They prepared a propaganda documentary using the recorded raw material. They “attested” to the direct link and ancient common origins to the Tibetans and Germans using totally unscientific and arbitrary tools. In spite of the obvious anthropological discrepancies, they were entirely convinced about the similarities between the German Arya and the mountain people. They even create an exhibition about the objects that bear the (falsified) engravings, which are meant to corroborate that there are material proofs of their ancient origins.

Hitler was however not yet satisfied enough. Not only did he want to conquer the heights of politics but he also sendt a German expedition to the top of the world. He got in touch with Heinrich Harrer, a young and exceptionally talented mountaineer and invited him to participate in the expedition, which was scheduled to leave in May 1938 as well. Nanga Parbat was the target. Harrer could not miss this opportunity since he was dynamic and had goals. He knew quite well that without a substantial financial subsidy he could not even carry through a similar adventure. So he accepted Hitler’s offer, who, in those times, could really yet enjoy the impression of being the savior of the Germans. However, Harrer’s adventure proved to be a little bit longer than he might have planned before. Heinrich Harrer falls into the hands of the British as prisoner of war since Great Britain and Germany became belligerents in the meantime. He told about his adventure in his book Seven years in Tibet.

Hitler and the black forces

If we open a common book about the Nazi esotericism, we will find several connections between Hitler and certain secret societies. The very reason why I have written a little bit more copiously about the Vril Society is because I wanted to emphasize the problem that consists in the fact that if we do not have trustworthy sources we cannot draw adequate conclusions. The very existence of the Vril Society is a question mark. We are most likely facing a myth of the twentieth century. The location of the crossover points where we could unknot the different threads that are entangled into each other can hardly be found. Witnesses died long ago, and, as far as I know, genuine documents are not accessible. The existence of the Thule Society is a historical fact. The society had a relatively high number of members and incorporated those who wanted to achieve changes in the Germany of the 1920s and 1930s.

The key person in this game is Hitler, but he alone cannot furnish enough details to unfold the whole story. He could not have achieved what he did all alone. Even some historians have tried to make Hitler take the whole blame alone. These are all unserious attempts. However, his personality could undoubtedly attract persons in his closest surroundings who were easy to be influenced. This was nothing about Hitler’s mesmerizing powers but much more about the weak personality of certain people. There are always persons who, driven by their greed for power, by personal or other ambitions, choose the easiest way. They give up their autonomy just to obtain a piece of something that does not really belong to them. It is misleading and extraordinarily deceptive to designate the role of a black magician or a black priest to Hitler. He was very far from being of that kind, with consideration being taken that he was widely read and had a high level of general literacy. He was enthusiastic about the music of Wagner while he stayed in Vienna. His imagination was full of heroic figures that, rising from ash, change the world. He was thinking about extremities. This shows very well that he lacked profound and well-grounded knowledge. He was looking for external proofs and confirmations throughout his whole life. When Germany annexed Austria, one of his first actions was to obtain the Holy Lance. The Holy Lance is the weapon with which Jesus was allegedly wounded as he hung on the cross. One genuine portion of the ancient relic was allegedly kept in Vienna. Hitler knew this fact very well since when he was young he spent a lot of time contemplating the piece exposed in the museum. As early as those times he might have already been thinking about taking possession of this strange relic.

By the way, the Tibetan and other expeditions had this sort of goal as well, that is, hunting up the mystified relics that the Third Reich could use later during its conquests. The Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant figured also among his ambitions. He wanted to exploit all forces to obtain the celestial powers. The phenomenon itself justifies that if someone constantly longs for external confirmation he or she will not possess real spiritual power. Attributing the ability of finding the final solution to a certain relic is an idealist exaggeration.

As a matter of fact, Hitler did not cultivate a close connection with the different secret societies. Moreover, sometimes he railed against them negatively. It is worth reading the memoirs of Albert Speer. In accordance with Hitler’s command some of the societies were even banned.

Many people think Hitler was not more than a puppet maneuvered by organizations like the Thule Society. They allude to Dietrich Eckart, who is believed to have said once that Hitler was the one who executed the aims of the Thule Society. The facts, however, show something different. When his power finally became solid, he would less and less tolerate any kind of instructions. He always wanted to take the final word. One big step he took toward the collapse of the Reich was his action to nominate himself as the commander-in-chief of the army (among other ranked services). Despite being surrounded by the most outstanding experts, he did not listen to his military strategists after a while. I wonder if a real spiritual leader would behave like this. Nevertheless, reality cannot be reprimanded simply by will. We could say he realized this after a while, but that is not true at all. Yet it is the most shocking to learn that he never let reality infiltrate into this mind not even for one moment, but even more astounding is that he was helped by several people to carry out his mad dance of death. Goebbels, for example, who sacrificed his six children, his wife, and himself as well for this distorted world. Reading into Goebbels’s diary we can fully understand what the subtitle of the book The Morning of Magicians means: “A few years totally elsewhere.”

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