Subject: Re: UAE urges Mideast ceasefire -

Re: News 2021-05-01, 1736 days to global Nuclearwar



Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

Date: Sat, 15 May 2021 13:46:50 +0200

22938 <609fb4ad$0$675$>


___ quote begin ________________________________________________

Den 15-05-2021 kl. 13:38 skrev Kall, Mogens:

> Den 15-05-2021 kl. 13:15 skrev Kall, Mogens:

>> Den 15-05-2021 kl. 13:01 skrev Kall, Mogens:

>>> Den 15-05-2021 kl. 12:54 skrev Kall, Mogens:

>>>> Den 15-05-2021 kl. 12:48 skrev Kall, Mogens:

>>>>> Den 15-05-2021 kl. 12:39 skrev Kall, Mogens:

>>>>>> UAE urges Mideast ceasefire


>>>>>> -


>>>>>> Den 01-05-2021 kl. 03:01 skrev Kall, Mogens:


>>>>>> Subject: News 2021-05-01, 1736 days to global Nuclearwar

>>>>>> Newsgroups:

>>>>>> News:dk.politik

>>>>>> Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

>>>>>> Date: Sat, 1 May 2021 03:01:17 +0200

>>>>>> 22876 news:608ca860$0$670$



>>>>>> Headline:


>>>>>> UAE urges Mideast ceasefire


>>>>>> FN opfordrer til våbenhvile


>>>>>> -


>>>>>> UAE urges Mideast ceasefire, offers condolences to all victims

>>>>>> By REUTERS MAY 14, 2021 23:52 (Jerusalem-time, GMT 20:52)





>>>>>> The United Arab Emirates foreign minister on Friday voiced his

>>>>>> country's concern over the escalation of Israeli-Palestinian

>>>>>> violence and called for a ceasefire and the start of a

>>>>>> diplomatic dialogue, state news agency WAM reported.


>>>>>> Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan offered condolences to all

>>>>>> victims of the fighting, citing the promise of September accords

>>>>>> that made the UAE and Bahrain the first Arab states in a quarter

>>>>>> century to establish formal ties with Israel.


>>>>>> "The UAE is alarmed by the escalating spiral of violence in

>>>>>> Israel and Palestine. We express our condolences to all victims

>>>>>> of the recent fighting, and join others in calling for an

>>>>>> immediate cessation of violence and hostilities," he said.


>>>>>> "The UAE calls on all parties to take immediate steps to commit

>>>>>> to a ceasefire, initiate a political dialogue, and exercise

>>>>>> maximum restraint," the minister added.


>>>>>> "We reflect on the promise that the Abraham Accords hold for

>>>>>> current and future generations, to live with their neighbours in

>>>>>> peace, dignity and prosperity," he said, offering his country's

>>>>>> support to all efforts to de-escalate tensions.


>>>>>> +


>>>>>> UAE official said to warn Hamas planned infrastructure projects

>>>>>> in danger

>>>>>> 15. maj. 2021, 9:12 am (Jerusalem-time, 08:12 CET, 06:12 GMT)




>>>>>> In the wake of the Abraham Accords, the United Arab Emirates had

>>>>>> in recent months been in contact with Hamas in Gaza about

>>>>>> various potential infrastructure projects to improve the lives

>>>>>> of residents there, the Globes newspaper reports.


>>>>>> A senior UAE official tells the paper that such projects will

>>>>>> not move forward if Hamas does not maintain calm in the

>>>>>> territory.


>>>>>> “We are still ready and willing to promote civil projects in

>>>>>> cooperation with the Palestinian Authority and under UN

>>>>>> management [in Gaza], but our necessary condition is calm,” the

>>>>>> unnamed official says.


>>>>>> “If Hamas does not commit to complete calm, it is dooming the

>>>>>> residents of the Strip to a life of suffering. Its leaders must

>>>>>> understand that their policies are first and foremost hurting

>>>>>> the people of Gaza.”


>>>>>> Kommentar:


>>>>>> Hmm ... (memory on from) ...


>>>>>> Subject: USA sender skarp kritik og advarsel til Myanmars militær -

>>>>>> Re: News 2021-03-01, Did You *killed* the Motherplanet, "HAL" ?

>>>>>> Newsgroups:

>>>>>> News:dk.politik

>>>>>> Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

>>>>>> Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2021 09:39:51 +0100

>>>>>> 22757 news:603ca85a$0$673$


>>>>>> >

>>>>>> > A (Ug, Udemærket godt), Mister President ...


>>>>>> +




>>>>>> =>


>>>>>> UG ...


>>>>>> -


>>>>>> Politi rykker ud til flere brande i København

>>>>>> 15. maj. 2021, 05:36




>>>>>> -


>>>>>> WHO: Pandemien bliver mere dødelig i år end i 2020

>>>>>> 15. maj. 2021, 05:42




>>>>>> -


>>>>>> Britisk toprådgiver: Indisk coronavariant smitter mere

>>>>>> 15. maj. 2021, 05:46




>>>>>> -


>>>>>> DR:

>>>>>> 2021-05-15 kl. 06:17

>>>>>> FN opfordrer til øjeblikkelig våbenhvile mellem Israel og

>>>>>> palæstinenserne




>>>>>> -


>>>>>> DR:

>>>>>> 2021-05-15 kl. 06:18

>>>>>> Kina skriver historie med sin første succesfulde Mars-landing




>>>>>> -


>>>>>> FN opfordrer til øjeblikkelig våbenhvile i Israel og Gaza -

>>>>>> familie på ti dræbt i nat

>>>>>> 15. maj. 2021, 07:18

>>>>>> Opd. 15. maj. 2021, 08:28




>>>>>> -


>>>>>> DR:

>>>>>> 2021-05-15 kl. 07:24

>>>>>> Mellemøstkorrespondent i Israel: 'Det er som om, at både Hamas

>>>>>> og Israel begynder at forberede sig på at tale om våbenhvile'




>>>>>> -


>>>>>> DR:

>>>>>> 2021-05-15 kl. 08:01

>>>>>> Raketter bliver affyret mod israelsk by fra morgenstunden




>>>>>> -


>>>>>> DR:

>>>>>> 2021-05-15 kl. 10:16

>>>>>> Udenrigsministeren: En tostatsløsning er den eneste vej til fred

>>>>>> mellem Israel og palæstinenserne




>>>>>> -


>>>>>> Forvirringen var total, men var det en helt bevidst taktik fra

>>>>>> Israels hær?

>>>>>> 15. maj. 2021, 11:22




>>>>>> -

>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________



>>>>>> Deadline:


>>>>>> DR text-TV:

>>>>>> 121



>>>>>> DR:

>>>>>> 2021-05-15 kl. 12.06

>>>>>> 32 min. sidenMathilde Bugge

>>>>>> Den unge tronarving er på vej til konfirmation i sit blå jakkesæt


>>>>>> TV2:

>>>>>> Rosenkilde vil modbevise rygtet om Alternativets død

>>>>>> 15. maj. 2021, 11:57



>>>>>> 17-årig pige fundet på havet - drev rundt i tre uger uden mad og

>>>>>> drikke

>>>>>> 15. maj. 2021, 09:54


>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________


>>>>>> UFO-investigation-news (UFO-efterforsknings-nyheder):


>>>>>> Google vandalism (Google hærværk):


>>>>>> An evil Google-demon came from hell to steal my time and to

>>>>>> destroy my files (including the entire UFO-archive)!


>>>>>> En ond Google-dæmon kom fra helvede for at stjæle min tid og for

>>>>>> at ødelægge mine filer (inklusiv hele UFO-arkivet)!


>>>>>> Eksempler på Google-vandalismen, se Indgangs-filer via ...

>>>>>> Examples of the Google-vandalism, see Entry-files through ...



>>>>>> For more information see ...


>>>>>> Subject: Har du nogensinde hørt om PanAm-syndronet ? -

>>>>>> Re: Idiotistan -

>>>>>> Re: Sminke-partiet Google (*Billigmandslort*)! -

>>>>>> Re: News 2021-04-18, 1749 days to global Nuclearwar

>>>>>> Newsgroups:

>>>>>> News:dk.politik

>>>>>> Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

>>>>>> Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 15:51:40 +0200

>>>>>> 22854 news:60817f6f$0$675$




>>>>>> +



>>>>>> Det får uheldigvis så den SKADELIGE *konsekvens*, at

>>>>>> UFO-efterforskningsarbejdet de næste 4 måneder (inden Google

>>>>>> deadline den 1. september 2021) IKKE kan foregå så effektivt som

>>>>>> ønsket! Jeg er TVUNGET til at redde, hvad reddes kan. Sorry ET!

>>>>>> ...

>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________



>>>>>> Med venlig hilsen,

>>>>>> Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael

>>>>>> Test dit kærlighedssprog (Test your love language):

>>>>>> https://kæ

>>>>>> --

>>>>>> Coming up news: Iran hit by a Asteroid. Iran is no more

>>>>>> (Jer.49,34-) ?

>>>>>> Last OUTPUT: 22901a <6098decb$0$691$>


>>>>>> Info

>>>>>> Website File no 22932



>>>>> שמך לא נשכח




>>>>> 22933


>>>> UFO-hunter-program opfanget;:


>>>> 12:53

>>>> - "On air!"



>>>> 22934



>>> 13:00


>>> Contact ?



>>> 22935


>> 13.14

>> - " ... "


>> 22936




> Oseh Shalom




> 22937

Helligånden var MEGET stærkt til stede 13:41

Mht. the UFO-hunter-program skal følgende erindres:

Matthæus 24:29-51, Bibelen på hverdagsdansk


Da vil jeg sende mine engle ud under gjaldende

trompetfanfarer ...