Upcoming and Past Events



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Upcoming events

GLS Meetings

Monthly meetings to discuss future plans for GLS and address graduate student concerns

GLS Social Events

Bimonthly meetings for social gatherings, professional development opportunities, faculty talks, and much more!

GLS Seminars

Monthly seminars led by invited speakers of varying topics of interest to the student body


GLS will be helping to organize the Florida Linguistics Yearly Meeting on April 20, 2024

Past events

GLS Trivia Night

Our Seminar Coordinator Nathan led us through some fun rounds of trivia!

Teaching Workshop with Dr. Jamie Garner

Dr. Garner led a workshop on active learning and flipping a classroom!

GLS Hobby Talk

We had a great time as our president Grace shared her photography hobby with us!

GLS Welcome Party

Our welcome party for the start of the Fall '23 semester and the introduction to the new GLS!

GLS Seminars

Message GLS if interested in recording

Watch recorded seminar here