Union Committees

These committees support the efforts of UFF-Seminole. Only UFF-Seminole members can serve on these committees.

Grievance committee chair:

Van Quach

Grievance committee members:

Deborah Barr

Kris Reed

Debbie Socci

Cricket Moore

Kevin Beers

Kristine Buddemeyer

UFF-Seminole ONLY represents dues paying members in a grievance. Below is the grievance form used to file a grievance. 

Grievance form.pdf

Membership committeE:

Doreen Collins

Sarah Hayes

Ekaterina Goussakova

Ellen Orr 

Stacy Tanner 

Jennifer Williams

Political action/government relations committee:

Brooke Allen 

Kristine Buddemeyer

Doreen Collins 

Jordan Camenker