Add me to the list. Just purchased a Toshiba A205. Removed the McAfee and my download speed is still super slow. Updated all the drivers and turned off the firewall, still slow. I have a Linksys wireless B router that works fine with XP laptops and Apple macbook.

Got to be something to do with Vista. Any suggestions?

I cant believe Internet through Vista is actually running at normal speeds. FINALLY. I tried disabling encryption, all firewalls and anti virus, rolling back the driver-nothing prevailed. After reading the posts, focus shifted back to wireless driver. I uninstalled the Atheros wireless driver. (Since Vista auto reinstalls, I rebooted then uninstalled a second time-this 2nd time Vista prompted for a reboot). Before the uninstalls, I deleted a wireless driver listed in programs and features (in Control Panel)-I believe this may have been key.

I never fathomed connecting to a wireless network could be so tedious. Thanks to all the great advice.

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Finally I rang Dell because the Computer is only a week old, and realistically its their problem, bingo (fingers crossed) they admitted to having problems with the broadcom wireless adapter that came with my dell, they sent me a new belkin adapter and straight away things went back to normal. (well for the time being anyway) xx Val

I tried all solutions to try and get my D-Link DWL-G112 wireless adapter to work on VISTA. It got a signal and could browse the internet etc, however it was SLOW! I emailed D-Link and they suggested changing the channel on the router, It was on channel 1, I changed to channel 10 and speed went straight back up, more than perfect! No driver issues or Microsoft update affecting it. Just the channel! Hope this helps some people!

At this point I was grasping at straws and decided I had eliminated about everything, except a wireless-N problem with this specific card. I changed the Wireless-N Mode enabled option in the device driver to disabled and just connected at Wireless-G speeds. Wham! No reboot, just fast speeds. I was in shock, to say the least. Just to make sure, I enabled N mode again and sure enough, slows to a crawl. Disabled and back to normal. We are talking huge differences here. My first test with Wireless-N Mode enabled is here-

I had the same problem with brand new Dell Optiplex 755 with Vista Business, very slow logon and network file browsing, it comes wit a Intel 82566DM-2 gigabit adapter. in the driver i

disabled the datatransportcontrole and disabled auto-tunning (via cmd-> type: netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled), rebooted the machine and it works like a charm again, fast filebrowsing and quick logon be457b7860

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