Author Instructions


  • If you're presenting a talk or poster, please register for workshops at Every accepted paper must have one registered author.

  • If you're interested in attending, please register at

Camera-ready Submission (All papers)

To submit the final camera-ready version of your workshop paper, follow these instructions.

  • Use the style file format in this zip file with \usepackage[accepted]{icml2021} for the final version.

  • Please make sure you address any relevant reviewer feedback as you revise your paper.

  • Main text should not exceed 4 pages. References and supplementary material can exceed 4 pages.

  • Create a single PDF that includes the main paper and any appendices. If you have other supplementary material such as source code, host them elsewhere and provide a link in the paper.

  • Find your "paperID" from the list of accepted papers. Note that this paperID is different than the one assigned at the time of submission.

  • Use this filename format for your PDF: UDL2021-paper-{paperID}.pdf where paperID is 3 digits, e.g. UDL2021-paper-001.pdf

  • Double check that your submission is NOT anonymized.

  • E-mail your paper to with subject line UDL2021-{paperID}. (e.g. UDL2021-001)

  • Submit the final version of your paper by July 12, 2021 (anywhere on earth time).

Contributed Talks

  • Please prepare for 10 minutes. There will not be live Q&A.

  • The recording link from SlideLive will be sent to the corresponding author's email. Please follow the instruction attached in the email.

  • Please make sure to upload your video by July 9, 2021.

Poster Session (All papers)

  • We will have a virtual poster session using Gather.Town. Thus, there won't be a physical specification for posters, but nevertheless the posters must be formatted to work with Gather.Town, so please follow these guidelines.

  • Poster Formatting Instructions:

    • Please create your poster as a single image file (with an additional thumbnail image). In order to upload and embed an image, the images must be:

      • .png format

      • Poster:

        • Minimum resolution is 1000px width and 600px height

        • Maximum resolution is 5120 width x 2880 height

        • Maximum file size is 3MB

        • No transparent background

        • We recommend a minimum DPI of 72, but this is not a requirement. All images will be enlarged to fill inside of the iframe, so exact dimensions and proportions are not required. When attendees interact with the embedded poster image, the full image will open inside of an iframe.

      • Thumbnail:

        • Must be 320 width x 256 height