Author Instructions


  • If you're presenting a talk or poster, please register for workshops at

Camera-ready Submission (All papers)

To submit the final camera-ready version of your workshop paper, follow these instructions.

  • Use the style file format in this zip file.
  • Main text should not exceed 4 pages. References and supplementary material can exceed 4 pages.
  • Create a single PDF that includes the main paper and any appendices. If you have other supplementary material such as source code, host them elsewhere and provide a link in the paper.
  • Find your "paperID" from the list of accepted papers. Note that this paperID is different than the one assigned at the time of submission.
  • Use this filename format for your PDF: UDL2020-paper-{paperID}.pdf where paperID is 3 digits, e.g. UDL2020-paper-001.pdf
  • Double check that your submission is NOT anonymized.
  • E-mail your paper to with subject line UDL2020-{paperID}. (e.g. UDL2020-001)
  • Submit the final version of your paper by July 8, 2020 (anytime on earth).

Contributed Talks (Paper ID 1-6)

  • Please prepare for 10 minutes. There will not be live Q&A.
  • The recording link from SlideLive will be sent to the corresponding author's email. Please follow the instruction attached in the email.
  • Please make sure to upload your video by July 8, 2020.

Spotlight Talks (Paper ID 7-14)

  • Please prepare for 5 minutes. There will not be live Q&A.
  • The recording link from SlideLive will be sent to the corresponding author's email. Please follow the instructions attached in the email.
  • Please make sure to upload your video by July 8, 2020.

Poster Session (All papers)

  • Note that the poster session will be held virtually via zoom this year, from 9-10am PT (which can be extended into the coffee break ). Each accepted paper should create a single zoom link with password embedded that's accessible to the public and can last for longer than 40 mins. If you do not have enterprise zoom, please consider using Google meet as alternative.
  • Please send us the zoom meeting link together with your camera-ready PDF file on July 8, 2020.
  • We recommend making few slides for the zoom poster meeting, and address questions from the participants interactively if applicable. Feel free to curate the slides/materials in a way that can help you get the most feedback out of the poster session. You may choose any format (ppt, pdf, keynote etc).