Internet of Things (IoT) Lab

Internet of Things (IoT) Lab led by Dr. Udit Satija works on the development of various smart Internet of Things systems for wearable and static healthcare, environmental monitoring, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs), machine and deep learning architectures,  power quality monitor; sound-based event monitor, multimodal surveillance monitors; forensic audio and visual analytics; voice-enabled technologies. Presently, the lab consists of various facilities including, a Bioradio-wearable physiological monitor, Emotiv EEG acquisition device, Neurosky EEG monitor, Littmann 1M wireless digital stethoscope, Protocentral portable cardiac parameter monitor, Wearable Sensing DSI-7 EEG acquisition device, Skeeper Stethoscope, ThinksLab Stethoscope, USRP X310, Drones, Power amplifiers, Adalm Pluto, HackRF, BladeRF, various low-cost embedded platforms, and different types of sensors.  Currently, this lab is executing the funded projects from ICMR, SERB, DST for designing different health analysis systems and drone classification systems apart from other regular academic projects.  At present, there are 7 Ph.D. students, and more than 5 UG students are working in the lab.