
Automated Prosthetic limb

Lead Mentor, Robotique Zone01

Full-Stack Development

Built and published several applications with a strong emphasis on client and server development

Cloud based mathematical/Deep learning backends in flask/Django frameworks

Android/iOS/Web-based Frontend

CI/CD deployment pipelines using Azure/GCS/AWS


Runner up, SPARK hackathon, 2019 - Computer vision/Machine Learning Powered Recycling Sorter

Runner up, The Mirai project 2020- Medical Case Study

Autonomous Car Conversion

Implemented a level 2 driver assistance system using and openpilot implementations

STEM Awareness

French Program Coordinator, Sparkin' STEM

Led the integration of in-house STEM curriculum with the largest French school board in Canada


        Research and Development, Synth-Med Biotechnologies

Published Biophysics Researcher with Mcmaster University