UCT School of Economics Seminar
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March 17, 2025 at 13:00
Speaker: Stijn van Nieuwerburgh (Finance Division, Columbia Business School)
Title: TBC
Past speakers
September 30, 2024: Jacob Bor and Dorina Onoya (Boston University & University of Witwatersrand) : "Integrating “Undetectable = Untransmittable” into HIV counselling: a randomized trial in South Africa"
August 5, 2024: Safia Khan (University of Cape Town): "The Impact of Labour Market Status on Child Care Hours under the Covid-19 Lockdown in South Africa"
June 17, 2024: Chloë Allison (South African Reserve Bank): "Cash transfers and prices: what is the impact of social welfare on prices?"
May 27, 2024: Katherine Eyal (SALDRU, University of Cape Town): "Temporal Patterns of Depressive Symptoms in Tuberculosis Patients: Longitudinal Analysis from the HAALSI Cohort in South Africa"
May 13, 2024: Kristina Manysheva (Columbia Business School): "Persistence of Inequality after Apartheid: Assessing the Role of Geography and Skills"
May 6, 2024: Andrea Presbitero (International Monetary Fund): "April 2024 World Economic Outlook, Chapter 4: Trading Places: Real Spillovers from G20 Emerging Markets"
April 29, 2024: Simon Franklin (Queen Mary University of London): "Urban Public Works in Spatial Equilibrium: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia"
April 8, 2024: Allan Davids (University of Cape Town): "Without reserve: home foreclosure discounts"
March 25, 2024: Leonard Wantchekon (Princeton University): "Deliberation and Behavior: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Benin"
March 18, 2024: Hikmet Gunay (University of Manitoba): "Experiments on the Different Numbers of Bidders in Sequential Auctions"
March 11, 2024: Stefan Dercon (University of Oxford): “South Africa and the elite bargain for development” and Dean Karlan (Northwestern University): Empowering the Unempowered: Cash and Cash-Plus Approaches to Extreme Poverty".
March 4, 2024: Martin Strobel (Maastricht University), "On the Evolution of Attitudes to Risk"
February 19, 2024: Frank Stähler (University of Tübingen), "Disentangling frictions across the world: markups versus trade costs", joint with Benedikt Heid
February 12, 2024: Klára Kantová (Charles University, Prague), “The Elasticity of Substitution between Native and Immigrant Labor: A Meta-Analysis”, joint with Tomas Havranek, and Zuzana Irsova
February 1, 2024: Yannick Timmer (Federal Reserve Board), "Intervening Against the Fed", joint with Alexander Rodnyansky, Naoki Yago
November 13, 2023: Richard Kima (UNU-National Treasury in Pretoria), “Estimating the macroeconomic costs of power outages in South Africa", joint with Kabelo Makhanya, Malope Mampholo and Abrams Mbu
October 30, 2023: Marc Jeuland (Duke University), "Time-money tradeoffs and the value of the time that women spend obtaining firewood"
October 16, 2023: Rafael de la Vega (UNU-MERIT), "Structural change and income inequality: a meta-analysis"
September 18, 2023: Daniel Urquijo (European University Institute), "The Politics of Transitional Justice: Evidence from South Africa
September 13, 2023: Sean Higgis (Northwestern University), "Why Small Firms Fail to Adopt Profitable Opportunities", joint with Paul Gertler, Ulrike Malmendier, Waldo Ojeda
September 11, 2023: Lucas Argentieri Mariani (ERSA & University of Milano-Bicocca), "Unleashing International Trade through Financial Integration: Evidence from a Cross-Border Payment System", joint with Gustavo Cortes, Vinicios Sant'Anna
July 31, 2023: Dan Ben-Moshe (Ben Gurion University of the Negev), "Regulation and frontier housing supply" , joint with David Genesove
July 10, 2023: Nathan Kettlewell (University of Technology Sydney), “The heritability of economic preferences”
June 26, 2023: Fernando García-Barragán (University of Guanajuato), "Bridging the Gap: Analyzing the Effectiveness of Government Investment Announcements and Materializations"
May 25, 2023: Andrew Dabalen (Chief Economist, Africa Region, the World Bank Group), "Positioning Africa to Claim the Post-COVID 21st Century"
May 2, 2023: Rémi Bazillier (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne): “Minimum Wages and Firms in Africa”, joint with Maria Moraga Fernandez
April 24, 2023: Aneta Hryckiewicz (Kozminski University): "Navigating the Digital Frontier: Unraveling the Impact of Bank Digitalization on Idiosyncratic and Systemic Risk", joint with M. Borsuk, K. Tchorzewska, D. Tsomocos
April 17: Grove Steyn (Meridian Economics): "Resolving the power crisis - Lessons from 2022", joint with Ndivhuwo Musehane & Peter Klein
April 13: Justin Visagie (Human Sciences Research Council): "Cities, Productivity and Jobs in South Africa", joint with Ivan Turok
March 27: Tim Kohler (DPRU, University of Cape Town): "The Evolution of Wages and Wage Inequality during the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa"
March 20: Philippe Tobler (University of Zurich): "Risk in the brain"
March 17: Adam Tooze (Columbia University): "The global economy, climate change and inequality"
March 16: John Hey (University of York): "An Experimental Comparison of Two Exchange Economies: Long-Lived Asset versus Short-Lived Asset", joint with Enrica Carbone and Tibor Neugebauer
March 7: Tomas Havranek (Charles University, Prague): "Publication and Identification Biases in Measuring the Intertemporal Substitution of Labor Supply", joint with Ali Elminejad, Roman Horvath , and Zuzana Irsova
February 27: Michael Power (Ninety One): "The American Emperor's Increasingly Threadbare Clothes: For how much longer will the US enjoy its 'Exorbitant Privilege '?
February 20: Asha Sundaram (University of Auckland), "Foreign Direct Investment, Geography and Welfare", joint with Jose Asturias, Marco Sanfilippo
February 13: Kasper Kragh Balke (University of Oslo), "Down-payment requirements and consumption responses to income shocks"
January 30: Dean Yang (University of Michigan), "Abundance from Abroad: Migrant Income and Long-Run Economic Development", joiint with Gaurav Khanna, Emir Murathanoglu, Caroline B. Theoharides
December 12: Jonathan Stöterau (World Bank), "A Meta-Analysis of Vocational Training for Youth: Human Capital or Signaling?"
Novermber 21: Hanjo Odendaal (University of Stellenbosch), "African Time Travellers: What can we learn from 500 years of written accounts?", joint with Edward Kerby, Alexander Moradi
October 31: Kjetil Bjorvatn (NHH Norwegian School of Economics), "Childcare, labor supply, and business development: Experimental evidence from Uganda"
October 25: Herbert-Michael Zapf (Brest Business School & Brussels School of Governance), "European Integration, BREXIT, Euro and the War in Ukraine"
October 17: Olivia Chen (International Energy Agency), "World Energy Employment"
September 12: Jesse Naidoo (University of Pretoria), "Marginal Incentives for Birth Spacing"
September 5: Shivani Wadehra (Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi), "Nudging households to segregate at source"
August 29: Soheil Sibdari (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), "The Impact of Nonstop Flights on Trade In the Transatlantic Market"
August 1: Lucas Argentieri Mariani (ERSA & University of Milano-Bicocca), "Bank Branches, Crime and Financial Technology Adoption: Evidence from Brazil"
July 25: Pallab Mozumder (Florida International University), "Conservation Auctions and Payments for Multiple Ecosystems Services: A Field Experiment in Oaxaca, Mexico"
May 23: Daan Steenkamp (CEO of Codera Analytics), "EconData open data platform demonstration"
April 11: Yonas Alem (University of Gothenburg), "Saving Africa’s Tropical Forests through Energy Transition: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Tanzania", joint with Remidius D. Ruhinduka
April 4: Kevin A. Bryan (University of Toronto), "Entrepreneurial Migration", joint with Jorge Guzman
March 14: Matthew Olckers (UNSW Sydney), "How Do Speculators Respond to Their Past Performance? Evidence from Sports Betting in Kenya"
March 7: David Fadiran (University of Cape Town), "Title: Wage Subsidies and Youth Employment: Firm-Level Evidence from South Africa", joint with Andinet Woldemichael, Hammed Amusa
February 28: Godfrey Manofa (University of Cape Town), "Impact of Crime on Firm Entry: Evidence from South Africa", joint with Lawrence Edwards, Asha Sundaram
February 14: Harold Kincaid (University of Cape Town), "Formal vs. Contextualist Approaches to the Variable Selection Problem"
Academic year 2021:
December 6: Von Fintel, Dieter (University of Stellenbosch), The negative impact of farm input subsidies on women’s agency
November 29: Abebe Shimeles (AERC), "Threats of Audits and Tax Morale in Africa: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Ethiopia", Daniel Z.Gurara and Firew Woldeyes
November 22: Victor Pouliquen (University of Oxford), "The Media or the Message? Experimental Evidence on Mass Media and Modern Contraception Uptake in Burkina Faso", joint with Rachel Glennerster, Joanna Murray
November 15: Moussa P. Blimpo (World Bank & University of Toronto), "Asymmetry in Civic Information: An Experiment on Tax Participation among Informal Firms in Togo", Paul Castaneda Dower
October 25: Sam Jones (UNU-WIDER (Mozambique) & University of Copenhagen), "Doing business while holding public office: Evidence from Mozambique’s firm registry", joint with Felix Schilling, Finn Tarp
October 18: Martin Abel (Middlebury College), "Can Temporary Wage Incentives Increase Formal Employment? Experimental Evidence from Mexico"
October 11: Mamello Nchake (University of Stellenbosch), "The Effect of Weather Shocks on Women’s Labor Supply and the Income of Women-Headed Households in Lesotho", joint with Ramaele Moshoeshoe, Luca Tiberti
October 4: Noam Angrist (University of Oxford, World Bank and Young 1ove), "School’s Out: Experimental Evidence on Limiting Learning Loss Using “Low-Tech” in a Pandemic"
September 27: Asha Sundaram (University of Auckland), "Family Leave Mandates and Female Labor at U.S. Firms: Evidence from a Trade Shock"
September 20: Kara Dimitruk (University of Stellenbosch), "Before apartheid: labor markets, political parties and institutions in 19th century South Africa"
September 6, 2021: Justine Burns (University of Cape Town), "Does Ingroup identity matter for charitable giving?" joint with Ronelle Burger, Marisa von Fintel
August 23, 2021: Amy Thornton (University of Cape Town), "Crime, Income and Inequality: Non-linearities under Extreme Inequality in South Africa" joint with Haroon Bhorat, Adaiah Lilenstein, Jabulile Monnakgotla, Kirsten van der Zee
August 2, 2021: Joeri Schasfoort (University of Cape Town), "Title: Social Learning in a Network Model of Covid-19", joint with Allan Davids, Gideon Du Rand, Co-Pierre Georg, Tina Koziol
July 26, 2021: Dan Hamermesh (University of Texas at Austin), "Publishing Economics: How Slow? Why Slow? Is Slow Productive? Fixing Slow?"
July 19, 2021: Rossouw Van Jaarsveld (University of Stellenbosch), "A primer in cartel dating", joint with Willem Boshoff, Maurice Bun, Maarten Pieter Schinkel
July 12, 2021: Neryvia Pillay (University of Cape Town), “Taxpayer responsiveness to taxation: Evidence from bunching at kink points of the South African income tax schedule”
June 28, 2021: Martin Wittenberg (University of Cape Town), "The science, art and politics of doing social research: Some lessons from the 1993 PSLSD"
June 21, 2021: Kevin Kotze (University of Cape Town), "Big data forecasting of South African inflation", joint with Byron Botha, Rulof Burger, Neil Rankin and Daan Steenkamp
June 14, 2021: Tim Kohler (University of Cape Town), “COVID-19 in the context of extreme unemployment and inequality: Estimating the effects of South Africa’s national lockdown”, joint with Haroon Bhorat, Ben Stanwix, and Rob Hill
June 7, 2021: Melissa Newham (University of Leuven), "Heterogeneous Effects of Drug Firms' Payments to Physicians", joint with Marica Valente
May 31, 2021: Lucas Argentieri (University of North Carolina), “Government-owned Banks and Development: on Unintended Consequences of Bank Privatizations”
May 24, 2021: Co-Pierre Georg (University of Cape Town), "Contagious Zombies", joint with Christian Bittner, Falko Fecht
May 17, 2021: Allan Davids (University of Cape Town), "Do firms have a preference for paying exactly zero tax?" joint with Santosh Anagol, Ben Lockwood and Tarun Ramadorai
May 10, 2021: Lukasz Grzybowski (University of Cape Town), "Mobile phones and financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa", joint with Onkokame Mothobi, Valentin Lindlacher