
Charter School


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Distance learning has many challenges and we are attempting to help our students meet those challenges with these expectations we call C.A.P.E.

Each week their grade level teachers will nominate up to 5 students that demonstrate these expectations. Turning in assigned work on time, doing daily assignments, attending Zoom meetings, following all directions, following Zoom protocols, and doing quality work. One student will be randomly drawn and a staff member will deliver the gift to their home (following social distancing norms).

LUESD - Distance Learning Plan



  • Access for all pupils to connectivity and devices

  • Content aligned to grade level standards; equivalent to in-person instruction

  • Academic and other supports designed to address the needs of pupils below grade level or have needs in other areas

  • Special education, related services and other services required by a pupil’s IEP

  • Designated and integrated instruction in ELD

  • Daily live interaction for purposes of instruction, progress monitoring and maintaining school connectedness


Instructional Program

All instructional staff will collaborate to provide engaging, relevant, curriculum-based instruction, and assignments for each subject. Grade-level guaranteed standards, learning targets, common formative assessments, and common district and state assessments will guide and monitor student learning. Significant differences should not exist between teacher to teacher within a grade level or course. Teachers will communicate student learning expectations, provide resources, collect assignments, and provide feedback through Zoom and Google Classroom. Sites may supplement digital learning with hard copy packets and workbooks, as determined by the teacher.

Tiered Support

  • General and Special Education teachers, and support personnel will collaborate to ensure access and accommodations for identified students.

  • Teachers will provide small group synchronous instruction for students requiring intervention.

  • School sites will have an organized system of following up on all students who are not engaged in learning.

  • Administrators, counselors, Special Education personnel, and support personnel will be added to District Digital platforms as needed.

Feedback, Assessment, & Grading

  • Teachers will provide weekly feedback to individual students on work submitted

  • Major learning will be assessed for ELA, Reading and math as outlined in the District Assessment Schedule

  • Students will be graded in all core subject areas and on behaviors that support learning

  • Students will be graded on selected standards in Math, ELA, HSS, and Sciences for Grades K-8

  • Students will receive a Report Card each trimester

  • ELD Progress for English Learners will be reported using ELD Trimester Progress Reports


Teachers will provide a combination of synchronous and asynchronous instruction for students on a daily basis. Students will be expected to work on class assignments during synchronous and asynchronous learning following their school’s daily schedule. Teachers will provide daily synchronous live instruction for the whole class. Teachers will also provide daily small group synchronous live instruction for identified students.

Student Expectations

Students are expected to:

  • Attend and participate in daily live instruction meetings as scheduled by teachers for the entire duration

  • Be dressed and ready for learning when joining synchronous instruction

  • Set cell phones and other distractions aside during synchronous instruction

  • Use technology appropriately and follow the LUESD User Agreement

  • Behave appropriately in synchronous lessons

  • Complete all assignments by the due date

  • Connect with teachers during scheduled small group or 1:1 appointments and utilize office hours for additional help and questions


School will be in session every day Monday – Friday.

Teachers will take attendance at daily meetings. Attendance will be entered into Aeries daily by 8:30 AM using student participation in live sessions and/or completion of the daily assignments from the previous day. Designated office staff will connect with parents regarding student absences.

If a student cannot attend school (i.e. live instruction/meetings), the parent/guardian will contact the school as they would with any absence.

Teachers will contact parents and/or students if students are repeatedly disengaged, not participating in live synchronous lessons and/or not completing their assignments.

Each week, teachers will identify and reach out to any students who do not respond and report for additional 1:1 or small group contact for admin/student support team follow-up.

Daily Instruction will be met by a combination of daily live instruction and “time value” of work assignments.

Teacher Expectations

Teachers will follow the school’s Daily Schedule and provide daily live instruction and interaction with students for the purposes of instruction, progress monitoring and maintaining school connectedness. The minimum number of live instructional minutes students will receive include 180 daily minutes in TK/K, 210 daily minutes in 1st - 6th grade and 240 daily minutes in 7th and 8th grade.

Tier II, Tier III, and ELD instructional minutes are beyond the core instructional minutes for targeted students. Teachers will follow up with students who are not engaged.

Supplemental instruction such as PE, Music, and Art will be provided as outlined in the school’s Daily Schedule.

Teachers will make a reasonable effort to respond to student and parent emails/questions within 24 hours (M-F).

Teachers will keep a weekly engagement record that will track a student’s participation in daily live instruction as well as completion of daily assignments. This record will be used as a basis for attendance recording throughout the week.

Supported Technology for Teachers

  • Zoom

  • Google Suite (Classroom, Drive, Docs, Apps)

  • ClassDojo, Remind, Bloomz, SchoolMessenger

Meal Service

  • Free Meals will be distributed twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 - 8:30 AM and 11:15 AM-12:45 PM. Free Meals will be a grab and go format for children under 18 years of age.

  • Meals will be available at Cinnamon, Lemoore, Meadow Lane & Engvall Elementary Schools, & Liberty Middle School. Mobile distribution will take place at Bell Haven and Sunset Vista Mobile Home Park

  • For more information please contact Child Nutrition Department at 559-925-6294.

Aeries Parent Portal and the Data Confirmation Process

Lemoore Union Elementary School District will continue to use the Aeries Parent Portal to review, update and confirm your child’s enrollment data and emergency contacts. Only one Parent Portal Account is needed per family. If you have an account for any student in the district, that account will still work. If you do not have an existing Parent Portal account, an account has been created for you with the email account you used to enroll your student. Please check that email for your account information from If you have more than one student, you will review each student individually within the same parent account. If you’ve forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot password” link. The Parent Portal account allows you to monitor your student’s attendance records, grades, standardized test scores, and much more throughout the school year through our secure server.

Your child’s teacher assignment will be made available through the Aeries Parent Portal beginning August 7th after 5:00 pm, ONLY after you have completed the Data Confirmation Process. It is mandatory that parents update all student, parent, and additional contact information before the first day of school which is August 11th. The parent portal will continue to be available throughout the school year as a method for parents to update their contact information. As a reminder, accurate contact information is essential for the school and district to make timely contact with you in cases of emergency, provide you with important school information and inform you of upcoming events.

If you have not already completed the Data Confirmation Process, please log into the Aeries Parent Portal at You will see this message:

Click on the “Click Here” link to begin the process to complete the online data confirmation process. Read all the instructions and information on each of the tabs. Thank you.

Video Highlights