Lodging rate cap information


To: GI Staff and travelers

From: GI Finance

Date: 8/13/2018

Re: Lodging Rate Cap

The lodging rate cap will remain the same at $275 per night, plus taxes and fees. This Memo is to inform you that UCSC will strictly adhere to the rate cap, especially when it comes to local lodging. This is very important to know when booking lodging in the Santa Cruz area for anyone (visitors and employees). It is imperative that you do everything possible to avoid booking lodging that exceeds $275 a night.

If local lodging is booked that exceeds the lodging rate cap, Genomics Finance will have to ask for an Exception to Policy (ETP) from UCSC’s Associate Chancellor directly, to allow the traveler to be reimbursed the full amount. If ETP is not given, the traveler will only be reimbursed up to $275 per night, with associated taxes and fees. Which means, the traveler will be out of pocket for the remainder. We have been cautioned by the Director of Accounting Services to not exceed the rate cap for local lodging, as ETP approvals are highly unlikely for this situation.

For non-local travel, in the event that the rate cap is exceeded, at the time of booking you must save proof of hotel rates in the same area for the same length of stay, to show that cheaper options were not available.

Ways to avoid paying out of pocket: 1) Do not exceed the lodging rate cap. 2) Submit a Travel Advance Request. A Travel Advance Request (TAR), done no less than 3 weeks from the start of travel, will allow your lodging to be reviewed by Travel and Accounting for preapproval and in most cases we will not have to seek an ETP. You must still provide the lodging comparables when needed. 3) Book directly with hotels and avoid booking with third party vendors (i.e., Expedia, Booking.com, etc.) as they often do not provide itemized receipts that separate the rate, taxes, and other fees, which is required by UC policy. Airbnb is an acceptable alternative that is often cheaper and itemizes the receipt.

Also, if you have booked lodging at the same location as the conference/meeting, an ETP from the Associate Chancellor will not be required, but your conference agenda must show proof of the location address and it must match your hotel folio.

Managers, please make sure your direct reports are aware of this policy.

To read more on UCSC lodging policies, please go to: Travel Guide - Lodging

Questions or comments, please email: genomics.finance@ucsc.edu