Atty. Augusto Go

President of University of Cebu

About us

From a modest start in 1964, the Cebu College of Commerce (CCC) of old has come a long way. Beginning with a handful of enrollees, what used to be an undersized college has succesfully evolved into a world-class university in Asia Pacific, while holding true to its philantropic mantra, "NO TUITION FEE INCREASE".

With forty-two (42) years of quality education, the University of Cebu (UC) has been awarded a Deregulated status by the Commision on Higher Education (CHED), while recognized by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commision on Accreditation (PACUCOA) as a learning institution with the most accredited programs.

Currently, UC is cultivating more than 42,000 promising young minds while producing board topnotchers through its four campuses that are conveniently situated within different parts of Cebu.

University of Cebu commits itself to:

Graduate Attributes:

A UCnian is a/an:

Institutional Goals

Core Values

These are the core values that the University of Cebu upholds:


“Democratize quality education. Be the visionary and industry leader. Give hope and transform lives.”


“University of Cebu offers affordable and quality education responsive to the demands of local and international communities.”