Upcoming Talks

Dr. Malcolm Campbell, 9th of March 2023, 16:00 -17:00 (GMT)

Seminar link: https://ucl.zoom.us/j/93313357153

Dr. Malcolm Campbell

Postdoctoral Fellow,

Harvard University

A specialized role for entorhinal attractor dynamics in combining path integration and landmarks during navigation 

During navigation, animals estimate their position using path integration and landmarks. In a series of two studies, we used virtual reality and electrophysiology to dissect how these inputs combine to generate the brain’s spatial representations. In the first study (Campbell et al., 2018), we focused on the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) and its set of navigationally-relevant cell types, including grid cells, border cells, and speed cells. We discovered that attractor dynamics could explain an array of initially puzzling MEC responses to virtual reality manipulations. This theoretical framework successfully predicted both MEC grid cell responses to additional virtual reality manipulations, as well as mouse behavior in a virtual path integration task. In the second study (Campbell*, Attinger* et al., 2021), we asked whether these principles generalize to other navigationally-relevant brain regions. We used Neuropixels probes to record thousands of neurons from MEC, primary visual cortex (V1), and retrosplenial cortex (RSC). In contrast to the prevailing view that “everything is everywhere all at once,” we identified a unique population of MEC neurons, overlapping with grid cells, that became active with striking spatial periodicity while head-fixed mice ran on a treadmill in darkness. These neurons exhibited unique cue-integration properties compared to other MEC, V1, or RSC neurons: they remapped more readily in response to conflicts between path integration and landmarks; they coded position prospectively as opposed to retrospectively; they upweighted path integration relative to landmarks in conditions of low visual contrast; and as a population, they exhibited a lower-dimensional activity structure. Based on these results, our current view is that MEC attractor dynamics play a privileged role in resolving conflicts between path integration and landmarks during navigation. Future work should include carefully designed causal manipulations to rigorously test this idea, and expand the theoretical framework to incorporate notions of uncertainty and optimality.