
Best UCI MURP Professional Report Award 2021

Lucero Garcia Mondragon & Renata Langis

Community Land Trusts: As a Mechanism for Land Access and Equitable Community-Driven Development

Client: THRIVE Santa Ana Community Land Trust (CLT), Marina Ramirez

Faculty Advisor: Professor Alejandra Reyes

Orange County-American Planning Association Academic Award of Merit 2021

Renata Langis

2021 OC APA Award of Merit

Renata Langis

Bicycle Facilities and Safety Hazards Associated with Active Transportation: A Corridor-Level Analysis of Collisions in Long Beach, CAClient: City of Long Beach , Rachel Junken Faculty Advisor: Professor Jae Hong Kim

Best UCI MURP Professional Report Award 2020

Ines Galmiche & Prathna Maharaj

Orange County-American Planning Association Academic Award of Excellence 2020

Ines Galmiche

Orange County-American Planning Association Academic Award of Merit 2020

John (Shin-Young) Yu

Ines M. Galmiche

Tustin Rail Station District Active Transportation Plan
Client: Orange County Transportation Authority,Faculty Advisor: Dr. Doug Houston

Prathna Maharaj

The Intersections of Housing and Climate Change in San Mateo County
Client: San Mateo County Office of Sustainability, Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Mendez

John (Shin-Young) Yu

Water Conservation and Recycled Wastewater Nexus
Client: Irvine Ranch Water District, Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Feldman

Click on the video to watch Ines M. Galmiche and John (Shin-Young) Yu be recognized for their awards!

Ines M. Galmiche (0:11 - 0:17)

John (Shin-Young) Yu (0:52 - 0:59)

Best UCI MURP Professional Report Award 2019

Nathan Lacy & Emily Makini

Orange County-American Planning Association Academic Award of Excellence 2019

Nathan Lacy

Emily Makini

Addressing Displacement through Ethnic Business Cooperatives
Client: Leadership for Urban Renewal Network (LURN),Faculty Advisor: Dr. Walter Nicholls

Best UCI MURP Professional Report Award 2018

Mengdi Li

Orange County-American Planning Association Academic Award of Excellence 2018

Mengdi Li

Mengdi Li

Urban Heat Island Effects Mitigation Strategies in Southern California
Client: Planning Division of Community Development Department, City of Newport Beach, CAFaculty Advisor: Dr. Maura Allaire