Exhibit, Instruct, Promote, Collaborate:

An Introduction to Omeka for Digital Scholarship

VRAF Regional Workshop @ The University of Chicago

March 1, 2019

Step One: Complete Registration Form

Step Two: Submit Payment

After submitting the registration form, please make your payment below using PayPal.

If you would prefer to pay by check, please send a check for $125.00, made out to Visual Resources Association Foundation

to the following address:

Visual Resources Association Foundation

c/o Cindy Abel Morris

VRAF Treasurer

1709 Cherokee Rd NW

Albuquerque, NM 87107

To request an invoice, contact Cindy Abel Morris at cdabel@unm.edu

Thank you for registering for VRAF Regional Workshop: Exhibit, Instruct, Promote, Collaborate: An Introduction to Omeka for Digital Scholarship. If you have any questions about the workshop or registration, please contact VRAF Director Beth Haas, bwodnick@princeton.edu