
News 6 covers our MS in Cyber Security and Privacy

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February 10, 2021

MS in Cyber Security & Privacy was recently approved. To start in Fall 2021. We will soon accept registration! 

November 16, 2020

Dr. Yan Solihin discussed the state of Cybersecurity research and education at 

Summer 2020 Newsletter


Inside Higher Ed: UCF Graduate Certificate in Cyber Risk Management 

August 2020 

UCF Today: The Invisible Line of Cyberdefense

July 23, 2020

Congratulations UCF Team for winning 2nd place nationally on Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC)

May 26, 2020

UCF Cybersecurity Programs ranked #31 Nationally by CyberDegreesEdu

May 25, 2020 

Grand Opening of new Cyber Security & Privacy Lab

Orlando, FL. 

February 7, 2020 marked a major milestone of the Cyber Security & Privacy Lab. The grand opening of the new 1224-sq ft lab was held. 30 graduate students celebrated their new home. In the past two years, the lab space for the CyberSP Lab has tripled along with the number of PhD students. Dr. Debra Reinhart, Associate VP for Research, Dr. Michael Georgiopoulos, Dean of CECS, Dr. Charles Reilly, Associate VP for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Manoj Chopra, Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Gary Leavens, Chair of Department of Computer Science, and Dr. Yan Solihin, Director of CyberSP Cluster, were attending the Grand Opening, along with most cluster faculty members, FCI team, cluster postdoc, and cluster graduate students. 

"The cluster is not about a building or room in a building. It is about the people. The new lab allows lab members to increase their interaction and collaboration, leading to more collaboration and appreciation of the breadth and depth of research in cyber security & privacy," said Dr. Solihin. "The CyberSP Cluster has been one of the most successful clusters at UCF. It is an area of interest to our many UCF stakeholders and an area of national and continuing importance. We are looking forward to the cluster's continuing and sustained success in the future," said Dr. Georgiopoulos. "This is a major milestone for the CyberSP Cluster. We are glad that UCF can provide the space needed for the cluster expansion," Dr. Reinhart said.

"As we celebrate the opening of the new lab, we also celebrate cluster success in the last 2 years," Dr. Solihin continued. In the past 18 months, the cluster brought external funding of more than $6 million, including two $1M+ medium grants from NSF, a NSF CAREER award, grants from ONR, DARPA, NSWCDD, Sandia, as well as industry gifts from Intel, Sophos, and soon Lockheed Martin. The cluster currently has three NSF career award winners, including the most recent recipient Dr. Paul Gazzillo. The cluster has one member who is both ISCA and HPCA Hall of Fame recipient. The cluster has published papers at top venues including ISCA, MICRO, ASPLOS, CCS, Usenix Security, et cetera, a few of them first ever at UCF. The cluster expects to graduate its first PhD students this year. "Having exposure to the breadth of topics in Cybersecurity as a student is important for future success in career. To me, this is what this lab is all about. I challenge each lab member to talk to one another and to know the research of every person in the lab in the next 12 months," Dr. Solihin concluded. 

Paul Gazzillo on News 6 Orlando

December 19, 2019 

Discussing Cybersecurity tips for the holidays.

Paul Gazzillo's recent paper at ESEC/FSE 2019

August 28, 2019 

An Empirical Study of Real-World Variability Bugs Detected by Variability-Oblivious Tools [Research] by Austin Mordahl, Jeho Oh, Ugur Koc, Shiyi Wei and Paul Gazzillo

Click here to read the full paper.

Yan Solihin's interview at the Intersection on Cyber security and Internet of Things. 

July 24, 2019 

Click here to listen. 

Introducing new course, CDA 5220, Foundations of Secure Execution Environment. 

July 20, 2019

Click here for more detail.  

UCF cybersecurity lab funded by $1.5 million grant from Lockheed Martin

Nov 27, 2018 

Yan Solihin's recent paper at MICRO-51

Neighborhood-Aware Address Translations for Irregular GPU Applications, presented by former Solihin's student Dr. Seunghee Shin, now Assistant Professor at Binghamton University. 

WUCF Interview with Dr. Clay Posey

April 23, 2018