Celebration XI Workshop Leaders

Thank you for attending the UCC New England Women's Celebration XI!

Stay tuned for information about what comes next.

The Reverend Cheryl Anderson retired from a 22-year pastorate in Washington CT in 2019. She is a certified teacher of Mindfulness Meditation practices. She is also a certified retreat leader. Cheryl has trained in Appreciative Inquiry and Non-Violent Communication. She has been teaching mindfulness practices throughout the pandemic on Zoom—through the Osher Life-Long Learning program at University of Southern Maine, and through State Street Church in Portland ME where she is a member.

Rev. Dr. Deborah L. Clark has served for 25 years as senior pastor at Edwards Church in Framingham MA, an open-minded, open-hearted United Church of Christ. She is also Multifaith Coordinator for Open Spirit: A Place of Hope, Health, and Harmony, a multifaith center that promotes holistic wellness, interfaith dialogue, and care for the earth, founded by and located at the church.

Just Peace Players is a liturgical drama group. Each year they write a new play on peace and justice issues. The Rev. Dr. Fran Bogle, who is a community chaplain and field education and mentored ministry supervisor, is their coordinator.

The Rev. Dr. Deborah Roof moved to NH in 2014 to accept the call of First Parish in East Derry NH as their Senior Pastor and Teacher. Pastor Deborah's doctorate is in Preaching and believes that our sacred stories are not only our heritage, but they are also our buoy on rocky seas. Pastor Deborah became a Veriditas Certified Labyrinth Facilitator in 2019. The pandemic offered a variety of opportunities to present the amazing and mysterious labyrinth.

Rev. Johanna Hattendorf is an ordained UCC pastor with a ministry of healing. As a survivor of trauma and abuse, she has over 30 years of experience (and many certifications!) helping others heal in body/mind/spirit. Whether in teaching Qi Gong, Tai Chi, or TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercise) or by utilizing the hands-on healing of Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy, or SomatoEmotional Release, Johanna uses her warmth, humor, and vitality to help others move from surviving to thriving.

Joyce Ray's poems have appeared in New England literary journals. She holds an MFA in Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her debut YA novel, ‘Feathers and Trumpets, A Story of Hildegard of Bingen,’ won two awards. A member of the NH Poetry Society, the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, NH Writers Project, and Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance, Joyce lives in Dunbarton NH.

Linda is a seeker. She was a Catholic nun and taught eighth grade. Subsequently she enjoyed a lengthy career in Global High-Tech Manufacturing and Logistics. In 2018, Linda was ordained an Interfaith Minister. She interned at Havenwood Heritage Heights and is also a certified End-of-Life Doula. Since 2020, Linda has been a Hospice Chaplain, and does Pulpit Supply for the NH Conference. A storyteller with many interests, Linda has worn out many shoes.

Linda is a seeker. She was a Catholic nun and taught eighth grade. Subsequently she enjoyed a lengthy career in Global High-Tech Manufacturing and Logistics. In 2018, Linda was ordained an Interfaith Minister. She interned at Havenwood Heritage Heights and is also a certified End of Life Doula. Since 2020, Linda has been a Hospice Chaplain, and does Pulpit Supply for the NH Conference. A storyteller with many interests, Linda has worn out many shoes.

AbbyLynn has been delighting in the joy and ministry of storytelling since graduating from Bangor Theological Seminary in 1999. She has served churches in New Hampshire and Maine and firmly believes storytelling to be a vibrant way of shaping community, worship, and pastoral care that effectively shares the Gospel. AbbyLynn teaches storytelling for the Maine School of Ministry and offers workshops through www.BroadReachMinistries.com.

Dalene is a semi-retired pastor who has served in ministry for 33 years in northern New England and the Southwest Conference of the UCC. She has focused her retirement ministry on Spiritual Counseling and contemplative practices such as photography. She has led small groups in a variety of denominational settings. Dalene nurtures her own spirituality primarily in the natural environment of all seasons.

Dr. Kit has presented at conferences and workshops, facilitated classes, and worked with individuals on understanding dreams for over 30 years. Those old philosophers—and Dr. Kit—believe dreams are a very important part of our relationship with God as well as revealing our “growing edges” to ourselves. With each advanced degree, she has seen that value increase. Her most cherished accomplishment is her Certificate in Fairy Tale Analysis.

Susan Rock is a textile artist and watercolorist. She has taught both locally and nationally while employed by Madeira USA as their Technical Sewing Director. Susan is the author of ‘TEACH YOURSELF MACHINE EMBROIDERY,’ which sold 10,000 copies. She had two solo art shows in 2021 and is currently illustrating a children's book.

Rev. Sara Bartlett is the pastor/teacher at Second Congregational Church in Norway ME. Sara's background before entering ministry was as a social worker where she worked with families and children, many of whom were not able to live with their family of origin. Sara is also a mother to a donor conceived person (DCP) and their story has been published to raise awareness of what it means to be a DCP.

Rev. Lee A. Ireland is a long-time Interim Pastor serving many churches in CT and MA. She received her M.Div. from Andover Newton Theological School, and trained as a Spiritual Director at Mercy Center, Madison CT. She has served in twelve different congregational settings as well as working in a women's prison and as a per diem hospital chaplain. Since 1990, she has had the joy of leading retreats.

Adela Zayas is IPM's Director of International Partnerships & Programs. She works directly with IPM's Project Partners in more than twenty countries supporting innovative programs for marginalized communities. She accompanies women and girls providing opportunities that promote gender equity and the inherent human dignity of all people. Adela holds a Licentiate in Psychology from the Jesuit Central America University in El Salvador and participates in social movements related to mental health and social justice.

Adela Zayas is IPM's Director of International Partnerships & Programs. She works directly with IPM's Project Partners in more than twenty countries supporting innovative programs for marginalized communities. She accompanies women and girls providing opportunities that promote gender equity and the inherent human dignity of all people. Adela holds a Licentiate in Psychology from the Jesuit Central America University in El Salvador and participates in social movements related to mental health and social justice.

Dawn has been leading safe spaces programs throughout her entire adult life. Currently Dawn is an MID in the Central MA Association of SNEUCC. Certified in youth ministry and faith formation, Dawn’s focus is on incorporating safe spaces curriculum throughout the lifespan.

Maren’s forty-one years' experience as a UCC pastor has led to her publishing poetry and short stories in fifteen anthologies and twenty non-fiction volumes, but her most recent book co-authored with Maria Mankin is "Death at Fair Havens," a cozy mystery featuring detectives Rev. Wanda Duff and High School Vice Principal Prudence Rye. Maren learned more than expected about the value of mystery literature and that knowledge shapes her workshop.

Rev. Marie Lucca is a grief counselor, community educator, funeral officiant, and former church pastor and hospice chaplain. Her current ministry includes leading worship services, workshops, support groups, and retreats for congregations and youth groups.

Rev. Marie Lucca is a grief counselor, community educator, funeral officiant, and former church pastor and hospice chaplain. Her current ministry includes leading worship services, workshops, support groups, and retreats for congregations and youth groups.

Rebecca is an RN and trained Parish Nurse, and has an MSN in Nursing Education. She also has an End-of-Life Doula certificate from the University of VT. She is experienced in training and leading church visitation teams in both CA and NH at the local and conference levels. Rebecca has been a Hospice volunteer for over 20 years, visiting clients, making bereavement calls, and co-leading grief support groups.

Rev. Heather is the Program Director of Together We Thrive, an ecumenical leadership development initiative that includes the SNEUCC. A native of Massachusetts, Heather has served several churches before joining the SNEUCC staff. Before discerning a call to ministry, Heather was a public schoolteacher. Heather is trained to the PCC level of coaching (Professional Certified Coach).

Rev. Gayle is a UCC pastor called to minister to those outside the church. She is an unlikely candidate for this as she loves the church—but the spirit is moving. Examples are training clergy to do compassionate funerals after substance abuse death and leading voluntary sessions at a homeless shelter on spirituality. She lives in Concord NH with her husband, and is the mother of three sons and four grandsons.

Beth and Fran serve as Thought Leaders for Soul Fuel Ministry, a mission of the United Parish of Upton MA.

Liz has presented numerous well-received Soul Collage® workshops at her home church in East Derry NH, at Prepared to Serve, at the NHCUCC Women’s Retreat at Camp Sentinel in Tuftonboro NH, and at Star Island Family Gathering Weekend in NH. She will provide all materials and a warm and welcoming presence.

Patricia Berry, a minister, teacher, writer, and community cultivator, is currently serving as Minister of Faith Formation at the United Congregational Church, Middletown RI. She is a graduate of Boston University’s School of Theology: M.Div. degree in Pastoral Ministry ’21, a Certified UCC Christian Educator, and a NEAUCE state representative with a background in community organizing, pastoral care, and transformational leadership. Patricia’s ministry approach is from a place of abundance and missional imagination.

Kristin has been a faith formation leader for over 30 years at the Seekonk Congregational Church in MA. She nurtures children of all ages as the Director of Faith Formation, Youth and Family Ministries. She is also a facilitator of two Community of Practice groups for the SNEUCC. Kristin is also a mural painter and uses her creativity in all aspects of the church setting.

Tivvi Pare (she/her) is a woman of French/German descent who was born and raised in Nashua NH. Tivvi works as a fourth-grade teacher in SC, as well as the Summer Director at the NHCUCC’s Outdoor Ministry camp, Horton Center. As a member of NHCUCC’s Racial Justice Ministry group, Tivvi is working to dismantle white supremacy and de-center whiteness, especially through her involvement with youth.

Rev. Leslie Chatfield comes to us from the Maine Conference. She has been serving the UCC since the 1990s. She was trained as a classical pianist in Philadelphia and New York, but her desire to play with and among others led her to working with larger groups with drums and other instruments. If she’s not drumming, she’s playing harp or singing bowls. She is a member of Orff Schulwerk Association.

Rev. Susan Savell has been providing leadership within the UCC for over 40 years with a special focus on supporting women in church and society. As a singer/songwriter, she has shared her music with churches across the country. As a community organizer, she has developed programs in schools and communities throughout Maine to provide positive, skill-building relationships between adults and young people. Susan is an aspiring peacemaker.

Rev. Rob Grabill is the Chair of the NHCUCC Environmental Justice Mission Group. He leads the Green Team at the Church of Christ at Dartmouth, a national UCC Climate Justice congregation. He is a member of the steering committee for the NH Interfaith Power & Light.

Dr. McFee is the Creator and Visionary of the Worship Design Studio (www.worshipdesignstudio.com), an online experience of coaching, educating, inspiring, and community-building that currently serves more than 1,000 congregations. She is the author of The Worship Workshop, a workbook for worship teams, and, as an avid skier, wrote Spiritual Adventures in the Snow: Skiing and Snowboarding as Renewal for Your Soul. Her third book, Think Like a Filmmaker: Sensory-Rich Worship for Unforgettable Messages, has become a bestseller and is utilized by churches all over the world.

Rev. Lewis leads conferences, workshops, and retreats internationally on the Gospel of John, the New Testament, interpreting the Bible, preaching, leadership, and women in ministry. She is a contributing writer for Working Preacher, co-host of the site's weekly podcast, Sermon Brainwave, and regularly authors the Dear Working Preacher column. 

Visit www.karolinelewis.com for resources on preaching, leadership, and being a woman in ministry.

35. People of Faith Build a Just World for AllRev. Velda Love.

36. People of Faith Build a Just World for AllRev. Velda Love.

Rev. Velda Love joined the UCC as Minister for Racial Justice on February 1, 2020, beginning her ministry to help the church live into its vision of building a just world for all. A native of Chicago, Rev. Love brings to the national setting of the UCC her knowledge and expertise of critical race theory, leadership development, and community outreach, along with preaching, teaching, writing, and even fund development.

Velda believes that given this critical juncture in our nation, conversations on race are still a priority. Racial justice and racial equality need to be part of our national dialogue. As Christians in the United Church of Christ, we are responsible for changing the narrative of how we engage the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is inclusive, liberating, and radical.

37. Meet & Greet Our Keynote Speakers.

Time to meet our keynote speakers in an informal setting: Rev. Marcia McFee, Rev. Velda Love, and Rev. Karoline Lewis.

38. Missions Possible

CWS (Church World Service) https://cwsglobal.org

Dress-a-Girl (a program of HOPE 4 Women International) www.dressagirlaroundtheworld.com

We will have the opportunity to contribute our time, talent, and treasures to either or both of these worthy programs during Celebration XI. CWS will be assembling kits as well as accepting your full CWS kits. Dress-a-Girl will be assembling kits to make dresses.