Child & Adolescent Health Research Laboratory

Department of Psychology

University of Cincinnati

The Child & Adolescent Health Research Laboratory (CAHRL) examines the cognitive and emotional mechanisms associated with the development and maintenance of pediatric chronic pain.  We are interested in psychosocial factors, such as anxiety and school avoidance, that influence pain-related disability, as well as factors that predict treatment response. We also examine cognitive-behavioral interventions for pediatric pain. Our lab conducts studies in chronic pain conditions, as well as experimental studies with healthy volunteers.

The ultimate purpose of our research is to better understand the risks and protective factors associated with pediatric pain as well as to advance evidence-based treatments for youth with chronic pain.   

CAHRL is a multidisciplinary and multisite team comprised of psychology faculty, doctoral students, undergraduate research assistants, and researchers from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) and Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.

Dr. Jastrowski Mano will not be recruiting a graduate student for the 2024-2025 academic year. Click here to learn more about applying to the doctoral program in Psychology at the University of Cincinnati.