Number Theory Learning Seminar:

Diophantine Geometry

Welcome to the homepage of the UC Berkeley Number Theory Learning Seminar on Diophaninte Geometry for Spring 2022.

For this semester, the goal of the number theory learning seminar this semester is understand Dimitrov--Gao--Habegger's proof of Uniform Mordell for curves. In addition to understanding this proof, we will also disucss the following surrounding areas:

  • Heights (Weil's height machine and canonical heights on abelian varieties)

  • Vojta's proof of Mordell conjecture (Vojta divisors and Vojta's inequality)

  • Equidistribution results in arithmetic geometry (Arithmetic dynamics and Bogomolov conjectures)

When: Wednesdays from 3:40 pm -- 5:00 pm

Where: Evans 939 (on zoom till February, please check emails for zoom information)

References: Here is a link to a dropbox folder which will contain the references for the seminar. Here is a document which outlines and provides references for each talk.

Below is a schedule for the semester.

Spring 2022: Number Theory Learning Seminar Schedule