I found this -mode-improved.el and would like to try it, so I found the /etc/emacs24 folder and made a file where other .el files existed and wasn't able to paste in the data from that link's download, the emacs24 moans about the file being read only and when I try to quit I am stuck in a save dialog.

Hi, I have 2 computers, one with Manjaro, on which doom emacs worked perfectly, and one with ubuntu 20.04, but here doom emacs doesn't work. I installed dependencies, emacs version is 28.1 (with snap if that matters) and run everything like they said on git repo, but it just won't load with proper configs, all I have is default emacs version. Does anybody have this problem?

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So what you can try is press Alt-x to execute a command. You should see M-x in the minibueffer at the bottom of emacs. then enter save-buffers-kill-terminal and voil, you exited emacs. (Emacs will ask, if you have unsaved buffers or running processes, otherwise it will exit directly)Hope this helps.

Edit: Tried the suggestion of just letting it default to /usr/local for installation (I had previously used /opt/emacs29). It is (so far) working well, and the desktop file was properly seen by Gnome.

GNU Emacs for Windows can be downloaded from a nearby GNU mirror; or the main GNU FTP server. 

 Mostly simply, download and run the emacs-version-installer.exe which will install Emacs and create shortcuts for you. Alternately, download emacs-version.zip then unzip, preserving the directory structure. You can then run bin\runemacs.exe or create a desktop shortcut to bin\runemacs.exe and start Emacs by double-clicking on that shortcut's icon.

Click on the Ubuntu software icon given on the Dock of Ubuntu 20.04. Then click on the Search icon given on the left top side and search for emacs. From the results install GUI or Terminal as per your choice.

The configuration of the Emac takes place exclusively in elisp; internal package management is available to install ready-made extensions. You can also save your personal configuration in the ~ / .emacs file or in the ~ / .emacs.d folder .

The power of Emacs is in the keyboard shortcuts and customization. I'm too early in my journey to have unlocked much of that potential. When you are browsing info on Emacs, you will see shorthand for referring to keyboard combinations, e.g., C-x C-f corresponds to CTRL+X followed by CTRL+F. The other important key is the meta key with M as the shorthand. The default meta key is ALT. Similar to .bashrc, Emacs can be customized through commands saved in the .emacs file [4].

Save .emacs and restart Emacs. Then type M-x followed by package-refresh-contents. If that is successful, you will see the message Package refresh done in the minibuffer. To install Geiser, type M-x and then package-install. In response to the Install package: prompt, type geiser and hit return. You will also need to install geiser-chez following the same package installation steps. Lastly, you need to add (require 'geiser-chez) to the .emacs file.

The customization of Emacs is one of the outstanding advantages of this editor. To customize Emacs, create a configuration file named ".emacs" or "init.el" in the home directory and add custom functions.

Similar to OSX, Emacs is also packaged up with an installer for windows. You can download the installer from the Emacs FTP site. The easiest way to do this is to download the emacs--installer.exe and then run it on your system.

Obviously I should not be using this version of emacs or start it with some different environment or command line argument. Is there any way to start it correctly? Is there a more suitable ppa to get a rather new version of emacs?

If you're going to try this one, completely uninstall the emacs from the first PPA before installing this one. You may also need to remove the first PPA too, but I'm not sure. Also, if you want native compilation enabled, you have to explicitly install emacs28-nativecomp.

As Gilles said, to use a TrueType font like Consolas in Emacs 23 you must link it with the Freetype and Fontconfig libraries. In Gentoo, you do that by turning on the xft USE flag when building Emacs. You'll need to turn that flag on (either globally or just for app-editors/emacs) and reinstall Emacs.

Thanks, Paul, but I'm actually using Emacs 23 already (You don't need a PPA for Emacs 23; just install the emacs-snapshot packages). The above instructions are for Emacs 23. Emacs 22 is simply a lost cause when it comes to fonts.

Other new features include native WebP image support, pure GTK support, and the ability to use emacs -x in the first line of a script, which could lead to some fun applications of Emacs Lisp. Read all of the release notes here!

The packaging metadata used here was written completely from scratch in 2013 by Robert Bruce Park, completely discarding all legacy cruft associated with the official Emacs package for debian/ubuntu. This means:

If using Emacs 28 with Spacemacs for the first time, all Spacemacs packages in your configuration will be downloaded and compiled. This may take 5-15 minutes and Emacs may make full use of your CPU (spawning several emacs processes on multi-core computers)

Expect to see lots of warning messages when installing more than 250 emacs packages. Ignore these warnings until all packages have been installed. If warnings still occur after restarting Emacs, then start investigating (or ask questions on #spacemacs channel in the Clojurians Slack community)

Thank you very much for this clear Dockerfile setup! I just built latest gccemacs on my ubuntu 20.04 WSL2. I then tarballed up the built emacs and installed into my host image. The only additional action I had to take was to also install the newer gccjit from the PPA you have above.

The line MimeType=text/english.... is basically saying that the application should be allowed to open text files and other text-like files. The Exec field is the command to call, sometimes with fixed arguments. The line TryExec=emacs24 is saying that GNU Emacs 24 should be considered as installed when emacs24 can be found through PATH. The line StartupWMClass=Emacs24 seems to be about classification of windows.

I wrote /usr/bin/emacsclient.emacs24 there because running the command whereis emacsclient on my system told me of /usr/bin/emacsclient and /usr/bin/emacsclient.emacs24 and some others. The file /usr/bin/emacsclient is a symbolic link to a symbolic link to /usr/bin/emacsclient.emacs24. Some of you might want to write /usr/bin/emacsclient instead, in which case you should also change the Name field accordingly.

Some day, you might hear about Emacs Daemon and --alternate-editor=emacs which you should try later, but not right now if you are a beginner. As for why not right now, see the relevant sections in the linked article.

Apparently, in the terminal (i.e. outside the Windowing system) adding a control modifier to the ASCII character for 'TAB' is nonsensical. Whereas, if going via a windowing system, Emacs can see you pressing Ctrl + TAB as with a control modifier, which can be represented in the .emacs file as C- or or [(control tab)].

Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all solution to this for the emacs client running in a terminal window. The issue comes up because the character is defined as CTRL-I, so CTRL- would mean CTRL-CTRL-I, and so is not possible.

When emacs is running in windowed mode, it receives its input directly from key presses. When it is run inside a terminal (or if it will make things clearer why it doesn't work - on an ssh connection), the input comes from the terminal I/O. It is the terminal program that reads the hardware key events, and it generates the input stream (not very accurate, but highlights the issue). Emacs reads the input stream and converts to keypress events. Since emacs cannot access the hardware key events, it is bound by the restrictions of the terminal environment.

One of the strengths of Emacs is its high degree of customization. All settings in Emacs are stored in a configuration file known as the .emacs or init.el file located in your home directory. Here are a couple of suggestions to get you started:

I don't want to pin "Emacs (Client)" to my favorites because if I do that and then try to kill and restart the emacsclient server inside Emacs, it kills the Emacs window. I need to be able to kill and restart the emacsclient server inside Emacs because sometimes I access my computer from the desktop and launch emacs there for editing with emacsclient and other times I access my computer remotely and launch emacs there for editing with emacsclient.

As a workaround to the pinning issue, commenting out the StartupWMClass line in /usr/share/applications/emacsclient.desktop allows pinning the Emacs (GUI) desktop entry and doesn't add another icon. The two desktop entries share the same StartupWMClass and I don't know how gnome shell would be able to associate the windows to icons correctly in that situation.

Now, when I go back to the zorin software manager, I see the following:

image93092 7.69 KB

and when I type emacs on the search bar, I get

image941237 13.6 KB

If I click remove nothing happens.

If I click on Source, I have the Flathub and the Zorin OS options.

When, I click on the Zorin option, I get

image914213 15.4 KB

So, the remove button has disapeared, as for the Flathub.

Once the install completes, there are instructions indicating thelines of code you should copy in to your .emacs file. Cut and pastethose lines in to your .emacs file, adjusting the placeholdervariables to be the correct path, as stated in the instructions givenby OPAM.

You can also find the Tuareg software and installation instructions on the Tuareg github. The key files for manual installation are tuareg.el, tuareg_indent.el, ocaml_debug.el, and tuareg-site-file.el. Place these files in an accessible directory, and add the following line to your .emacs configuration file, substituting that directory for $DIR:(add-to-list 'load-path "$DIR")(load "tuareg-site-file") ff782bc1db

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