this is the result of ./discovery.php -h 2 -d |./


this is the result of ./poller.php -h 2 -r -f -d |./


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If you use Ubiquiti Unifi devices, you may have heard about the Ubiquiti device discovery tool that allows quickly finding Unifi devices on your network with little effort. The tool has several varieties, including a standalone desktop tool and a browser extension. However, both tools are now deprecated.

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The Ubiquiti Discovery Tool is a powerful and easy-to-use app designed to simplify the management of your Ubiquiti devices within your local network. It includes a streamlined interface and many features. It streamlines the discovery and configuration of your UniFi devices.

Since these are now deprecated and super old, you will likely encounter issues trying to run either of the tools, especially with new versions of Java. However, there is a Ubiquiti device discovery tool alternative you can use called WiFiman.

The Ubiquiti Device Discovery Tool is a cross-platform discovery utility that locates Ubiquiti devices on the local network. It allows users to connect to these devices and configure them without knowing the IP address. The tool also offers features like showing you MAC addresses. There is a Java discovery tool, but we recommend sticking to the Chrome Extension, which can be downloaded here in the google chrome store.

Research has learned that this service is used for a variety of things, including device discovery to facilitate easily locating of Ubiquiti devices in a managed environment. At least this portion of the protocol is quite simple, requiring a simple 4-byte message that elicits a large response including the name, model, firmware version, IPs, MACs, and sometimes the ESSID if it is a wireless device of some manner. A simple POC of this functionality can be seen below when run against a mostly default Ubiquiti mFi device:

In order to understand more about this issue and inform fellow defenders in the information security community, we performed a Sonar study of port 10001/UDP, where we collected and analyzed the responses by parsing out the distinct fields returned in UDP payload. This showed 498,624 unique IPv4s with port 10001/UDP open, 487,021 unique IPv4s confirmed to be speaking this discovery protocol, and 486,388 unique physical devices based on MAC address tuples found in the responses. That is a lot of devices.

In some cases, the discovery response includes the ESSID of the device if it is wireless-enabled. The patterns observed seem to reinforce the smaller ISP/WISP theory, as many of them seem to map back to defaults correlating popular ISPs around the world.

Examining the global honeypots that we monitor as part of Project Heisenberg, we have been seeing traffic destined to this UDP port for over a year, the vast majority of which appears to be traffic similar in nature to the discovery mechanism we described above.

We use Nmap and zmap heavily in our research and wanted to ensure that support was trued up there as well. Tom Sellers has added a discovery probe to Nmap as well as an Nmap script that can be used to extract the name, model, firmware, and other metadata from discovered Ubiquiti devices. Additionally zmap landed a PR that adds similar coverage.

As part of adding coverage as mentioned above, Tom Sellers discovered a slightly newer and different version of this discovery protocol. This protocol, like the earlier version, operates on 10001/UDP but uses a different discovery probe: \x02\x08\x00\x00. From the responses, we can extract information such as model, firmware, UniFi SDN version, MAC address, internal IP address, and the management state (adopted vs. unmanaged).

The first step is to find the device IP address, for this we can our DHCP leases on our gateway or we can use a discovery tool. See this guide for our recommended discovery tools for your operating system.

The cameras are on my network, that portion of pairing/discovery seems to have worked, in that I can see them from the network side with valid IPs so drop the 2.4GHz/pairing portion which is the extent that the site troubleshooter goes to as far as I can tell. Straight 2.4GHz, not 2.4/5 and not mesh.

I don't know what's failing in the Arlo discovery process, however I was able to simply add to a phone hotspot then go in and change (via the website) the network to the Unifi 2.4GHz. I will say it hasn't been quite so easy this time around, so I'll have to see what I did differently from my notes.

My problem is my remote location. I have a main LAN and a DMZ. Main LAN is for our corporate network and the DMZ has all of our AP's on it. After A LOT of trouble shooting I finally was able to get the AP to ping the controller and visa versa due to a missing service item in the firewall rules. My setup: (Controller on LAN XG Firewall internet XG firewall DMZ with AP's). The problem is when I SSH into the AP and run the set-inform command in the AP and point it to the controller, nothing happens.Nothing shows up in the devices screen and the network discovery tool cant find them either. Again, It can ping back and forth but cannot discover it.

I have looked at the tcpdump logs over and over for port 8080 (Unifi's inform port for the AP to signal the controller) and port 10001 (Unifi's discovery port) before, during, and after issuing the inform command from the AP. Everything seems like its flowing correctly. I am new to tcpdump so I may be looking at it and understanding it wrong, but I see the path from the AP into the remote firewall IP to the main location public IP and into the controller IP and back. The output says that all packets were sent and received with 0 being blocked.

Turns out I was looking in the wrong area. It was a Unifi Problem. The AP's are EOL and the controller software was too new to handle the discovery for the AP's. I had to downgrade the software to get them to work. Not a Sophos problem.

The Ubiquiti Device Discovery Service is an application used to facilitate the discovery of Ubiquiti devices in a managed environment. It is installed automatically as part of the UniFi controller software installation process and is enabled by default.

In addition, an internet accessible Ubiquiti device discovery service will allow a malicious actor to extract potentially sensitive information of the network devices that have the service enabled. Information such as the Name of the device, IP address, MAC address, Firmware version, Model, Status and the Extended Service Set Identification (ESSI) of the device if wireless-enabled.

The Unifi Data Catalog and Unifi Data Platform Version 3.0 deliver new integrations into the Tableau ecosystem including end-to-end visibility across data from raw source all the way through to the last mile visualizations for insight discovery.

On August 9, 2002, Defendants Unifi and Nations properly filed notice of removal to this court pursuant to 28 U.S.C.  1331 and 1441.[1] Before the court is *777 Defendants Unifi and Nations' motion for summary judgment pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56. The court has reviewed Plaintiff's complaint and the materials produced during discovery. For the following reasons, Defendants Unifi and Nations' motion for summary judgment will be granted. Plaintiffs' remaining claims against Defendant Stovall will be remanded to state court for further consideration.

Summary judgment must be granted when the pleadings, responses to discovery, and the record show that "there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law." Fed.R.Civ.P. 56(c). The moving party bears the burden of persuasion on all relevant issues. Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 323, 106 S. Ct. 2548, 91 L. Ed. 2d 265 (1986). Once the moving party has met its burden, the non-moving party must come forward with specific facts demonstrating a genuine issue for trial. See Fed.R.Civ.P. 56(e); see also Cray Communications, Inc. v. Novatel Computer Sys., Inc., 33 F.3d 390, 393-94 (4th Cir. 1994) (moving party on summary judgment may simply argue the absence of evidence by which the non-moving party can prove her case). The non-moving party may survive a motion for summary judgment by producing "evidence from which a [fact finder] might return a verdict in his [or her] favor." Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 257, 106 S. Ct. 2505, 91 L. Ed. 2d 202 (1986).

[9] In her response to Defendants' motion for summary judgment, Plaintiff contends that the court should not consider Defendants' motion because Defendants did not file a notice of intent to file a dispositive motion within ten days of the close of discovery. However, in their response to Plaintiff's request for an extension of the discovery period, Defendants clearly stated their intention to move for summary judgment. Furthermore, the magistrate judge's order of June 3, 2003, extended the deadline for filing dispositive motions through June 23, 2003, and Defendants' motion was filed on June 6, 2003. Plaintiff does not contend that she was prejudiced in any way by Defendants' failure to file another notice separate and apart from that contained in their response to Plaintiff's request for an extension of the discovery period.

The discovery before backup is necessary to make sure NCM doesn't user wrong commands on the device.

In certain situations (ex. when a device is changed for another device) it's possible commands to generate backups on some vendors can actually cause configuration changes for other vendors.

Due to this (and other edge-cases) NCM does a discovery before every backup.

Discovery mechanism will also be used if any device operation fails.

For example, if credentials which were previously used on a device are no longer valid on that device, NCM will re-run discovery. ff782bc1db

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