Graduate Applications

Project Suggestions

If you have an idea for a project topic, some reading material, or a mathematical problem that could be of interest to a student, you may submit your idea here. You will need to submit a brief technical description of the problem to be solved, material to be read, or topic to be studied, as well as a reference resource for the undergraduate student, and an approximate schedule for the project, listing each week what is to be accomplished by the students. If you wish to mentor the project you submit, please indicate this and fill out a mentor application.

Graduate Mentors

Mentors are the direct link between the undergraduate students in the project and the graduate committee creating the projects. Thus, for our program to be successful, we need dedicated graduate students interested in furthering their own mathematical and instructional abilities, as well as the skill of their students. For more about mentoring, click here.

DRP Committee

At the heart of every successful program is a group of hard-working, administratively-savvy people. If you wish to participate in the DRP in a non-mentor capacity, consider serving on the DRP committee where you can assist in the operation, implementation, and development of the program. For information on the committee positions, click here.