Ubiquitous Chatbots

@ UBICOMP 2018

Workshop on Wearable and Embodied Conversational Agents

October 12, 2018, Singapore

Human-computer interaction is progressively shifting towards natural language communication determining the rise of conversational agents. In the context of ubiquitous computing, the opportunities for interacting with new services and systems in a conversational manner are increasing and, nowadays, it is common to talk to home assistants to interact with a smart environment or to write to chatbots to access an online service. This workshop aims at bringing together researchers from academia and industry in order to establish a multidisciplinary community interested in discovering and exploring the challenges and opportunities coming from the ubiquity of conversational agents.

Thanks to every participant of the workshop!

Here you can find the slides of the presentations of the day:

  • Keynote "How can wearable agents convey emotions across modalities and devices?" - Slides
  • Talk 1 "Biased Bots: Conversational Agents to Overcome Polarization " - Slides
  • Talk 2 "WEnner: A Theoretically Motivated Approach for Tailored Coaching about Physical Activity " - Slides
  • Talk 3 "Towards the NESTORE e-Coach: a Tangible and Embodied Conversational Agent for Older Adults " - Slides
  • Talk 4 "Beyond reading analysis with eye-tracking " - Slides
  • Talk 5 "Food Diary Coaching Chatbot" - Slides

Important dates

  • Deadline for submissions: July 9, 2018 --> EXTENSION: July 20, 2018
  • Response to authors: July 30, 2018
  • Camera ready submission deadline: August 10, 2018
  • Workshop day: October 12, 2018