I tried to do that but it didn't work, I replaced HardwareSerial.h by uart.h in the library(in .h and .cpp) (I found uart library on Github Arduino/cores/esp8266 at master  esp8266/Arduino  GitHub )

Can someone explain me the difference? Is /driver/uart.h closer to the hardware? Which one should I use? Also, can someone explain me WHEN to use files from -idf/tree/master/components/soc ? Currently working with my companies custom PCB (ESP32 WROOM 32D) and the arduino framework (have to, because colleagues need it). Just saw arduinos implementation of uart and was wondering why they don't use /driver/uart.h.

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I'm writing some code for an UART library. I'm using a FIFO queue to buffer IO and I have two modules FIFO.c/h and UART.c/h.I defined some struct types that I need in order to interface with the HAL software of the platform but I'm having trouble under Eclipse in including some headers:

It is also generally accepted as a bad idea to have code that depends on the order of include files. Sometimes that is unfortunately unavoidable but such cases should be minimized and clearly explained. In your case, you should simply include fifo.h in uart.h, and your FIFO structure should be defined in fifo.h and not fifo.c. Encapsulation is good, but if you have a structure that's needed by multiple modules, it shouldn't be hidden away in a .c file.

I have already included all the driver files for the tivaware(driverlib) and the relevant sensor library files. Do you think thisis a case of missing header files or something to do with my keilconfiguration?

First, configure the library in your code, then start the serial port, now be polite and send some heartbeats (I know, I told you they are useless). In the code you will see what are the parameters used for. The constants you will see are encoded in the mavlink.h library. You can see there their values and some explanations.

Now you have a lot, I repeat, a lot of data comming through your serial link with the Pixhawk. It is time to focus on what messages we are interested in and how to decode them. You have seen in the main loop this function comm_receive(). Again, it is not a library function, it is something you must write.

As a reference, I have left as a comment the definition of the primitive as found in the library. I think this is a much simpler to understand approach as at the beginning I had problems understanding how to implement the messages decoding.

In principle, the mavlink.h library is not implementing any communications, it jus relies on the standard Serial port commands. Thus, you can just create a SoftwareSerial port on a different pair of pins and then use that port to send the information. Doing so you can then use the serial port to send and receive info using the Serial Monitor.

However my project longer compiles when I copied your files (uart.c, uart.h, uart_console_io.c, clocks_and_mode.c & clocks_and_modes.h) into it. My project is based on the "wdog_interrupt_s32k144 S32DS" example project and links with S32K14x EAR SDK v0.8.6. Your project links with EWL instead.

I am having issues trying to use axi uart from with a microblaze using the pynqmicroblaze library.

I made my own block design and custom overlay following all connections according to the PYNQ MicroBlaze Subsystem. See Pics.

Those header files contain the Pixy Arduino library code. They define how to interface with the different communication methods and what format the data is in when it is sent serially. For example, PixyI2C.h is the Arduino code that handles communicating with Pixy over the I2C interface.

Arduino actually receives these signatures from Pixy over one of the communication protocols (UART, I2C, SPI, etc.). So none of the Pixy Arduino library source files contains code that performs the detection. Instead it just contains the code for communicating with the Pixy hardware.

OK. At this point I have reached a point in coding where I think I have done all that is needed to integrate Anemometer and Rain Gauge on s econd PM Board; and SCD41 as a near-clone of the SCD30 CO2 sensor ; just connect to the SCD41x library. There are no error squiggles issued by platformio.

OK, I just got home, and made the installation of pyserial that you suggested. Then I executed > python3 build sam -v as before and attached 2 screen shots show the results.

It gets hung up on ambiguity between two different versions of hardwareserial.h contained within the RadioHead library.

This might not be a fatal issue; (because later it seems to carry on and find other issues) but certainly it causes numerous errors in the output and probably ought to be fixed somehow. can you suggest a way ? (or is my proposed fix; to cull one of the two duplicates) reasonable ?

Screenshot 2021-10-02 at 7.51.46 PM28801800 625 KB

OK, That theory turned out to be wrong.

Removal of the radiohead library just caused other issues.

commands.h includes sckbase.h which wants rhreliabledatagram.h and rh_serial.h both of which are part of the radiohead library.

Looking at the examples in nRF Connect that are compatible with my board, I see both peripheral_uart and central_uart, which leverage zephyr\drivers\uart.h - I'm assuming that's the right place to start. But my struggle with these examples is they use the built in UART/virtual COM port on the development board, whereas I want to specify my own GPIO pins. Where can I find how those pins are set?


I've also stumbled onto this tutorial, again which is referring to the nRF SDK, which seems to be something distinctively different from nRF Connect SDK. The examples shown are not in the nRF Connect SDK, nor can I find those uart functions anywhere in my entire v2.1.0 library directory. So I think where I'm struggling is understanding the difference in the SDK's and which one I should be using.

When you buy basically any breakout module that makes use of the I2C protocol, they will come with some library that helps you use the sensor. This library is more often than not built on top of the Wire library, and uses it under the hood. Adding functionality in order to make, for example, reading temperature easier.

An example of this is if you want to use Adafruits MCP9808 sensor module, you download the Adafruit_MCP9808 Library from the IDEs library manager, which enables you to use functions such as tempsensor.readTempC() in order to read the sensors temperature data by requesting from the right address, and read the information returned with just a single line instead of writing the Wire code yourself.

If you run a commercial project that embeds ArduinoJson, think about sponsoring the library's development: it ensures the code your products rely on stays actively maintained.It can also give your project some exposure to the makers' community.

I tried aJson and json-arduino before trying your library. I always ran into memory problem after a while. I have no such problem so far with your library. It is working perfectly with my web services. Thanks Benoit for a very well polished product!

Thank you again for your marvellous library which due to your book is probably one of the best documented libraries that exist.Please continue this excellent service that you provide to so many by your strive to improve this library still further and by keeping it up to date.

For the UART comms. This was the library I referenced at the very beginning of the TTL project but Im guessing the SolidGeek library is just as good if not better a reference: GitHub - RollingGecko/VescUartControl: Arduino library to interface with the VESC bldc over UART.

The implementation is self-contained and requires no Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack for its operation.The MPU is initialized in the standard way.The DTM library function dtm_init configures all interrupts, timers, and the radio.

I'm writing code for a project with Arduino Yun. My project is quite simple: it takes a picture with a webcam and saves it in a PNG or JPEG file format. I've already installed the uvc driver for Arduino Yun and tested it with my webcam and the fswebcam application. The application saved pictures both in PNG and JPEG format successfully, so I went on and installed the C compiler, make and binutils for Arduino Yun and started to write my own application that would do the same thing (just taking a picture and saving it in PNG format). After writing the code to capture the pixels of the image, I decided to write them down in a PNG file format by using the libpng library available for Arduino Yun through luci web control panel. After installing the package, I included the png.h (using #include png.h) in my source code and wrote the code to write those pixels down in a simple PNG file (thanks to this tutorial: ).What's the problem? It just won't compile! I tried everything and all I got were "undefined reference to 'function name here'" errors. I thought that, maybe, libpng was buggy so I moved to libjpeg. No luck! I get the same errors over and over again. I really don't know what else I can do, I tried everything, it just seems that the Arduino Yun C compiler can't handle "external" libraries. I thank you in advance for any help you'll give me...

Now I bought a WiFi Shield which is NOT supported officially by the Arduino WiFi library.It is the following one I bought: ESP8266 ESP-12E CC3000 UART WIFI Wireless Shield Board Modul fr Arduino UNO R3 - you can find this on ebay: _trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

Now when I try to upload my sketch it tells me that certain dependencies are not resolved. Like this one here #include which I was not able to include manually. My main problem here is that the github page of the ESP8266 library isn't providing enough information for me how I can get the working lib to use in my sketch.I need to know how I can get this library to work in my sketch!

Currently, there is no software support in the ROM library nor in the SDK, so the UART cannot be used as a standard UART. Software support may be added to the SDK in the future. Only NFC-like functionality can be used as described on page 44 of the NAC1080 Software development guide. 2351a5e196

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