MESSENGER was a NASA robotic space probe that orbited the planet Mercury between 2011 and 2015, studying Mercury's chemical composition, geology, and magnetic field.[9][10] The name is a backronym for "Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging", and a reference to the messenger god Mercury from Roman mythology.

I love this bag! I'm sad to say it took my this long to finally get a Chrome messenger bag. The first time I saw one was 13 years ago, and even back then I knew it was the best bag of ever seen. I finally took the plunge because I needed a bag for work, one that's easy to carry and will be comfortable all day. Other bags I'd used before just didn't measure up. Today was my first day using my new Citizen messenger and it made my job so much easier. It was the most comfortable to walk around for most of my workday, and the easiest to to take on and off when needed. Hands down, the greatest bag I've ever bought.

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Love my Citizen Messenger Bag. Reminds me of the height of bike messengers in Portland before covid. It is very functional, yet distinctive. It is also comforting to know that when it rains, I'll be covered. Holds my MacBook Pro 16 easily, along with all the things needed for a day at the office.

Supervisor is a great tool to guarantee that your worker process(es) isalways running (even if it closes due to failure, hitting a message limitor thanks to messenger:stop-workers). You can install it on Ubuntu, forexample, via:

Supervisor configuration files typically live in a /etc/supervisor/conf.ddirectory. For example, you can create a new messenger-worker.conf filethere to make sure that 2 instances of messenger:consume are running at alltimes:

If you use the Redis Transport, note that each worker needs a unique consumername to avoid the same message being handled by multiple workers. One way toachieve this is to set an environment variable in the Supervisor configurationfile, which you can then refer to in messenger.yaml(see the ref:`Redis section ` below):

Systemd user service configuration files typically live in a ~/.config/systemd/userdirectory. For example, you can create a new messenger-worker.service file. Or amessenger-worker@.service file if you want more instances running at the same time:

In this example, if handling a message fails 3 times (default max_retries),it will then be sent to the failed transport. While you can usemessenger:consume failed to consume this like a normal transport, you'llusually want to manually view the messages in the failure transport and chooseto retry them:

The consumers do not show up in an admin panel as this transport does not rely on\AmqpQueue::consume() which is blocking. Having a blocking receiver makesthe --time-limit/--memory-limit options of the messenger:consume command as well asthe messenger:stop-workers command inefficient, as they all rely on the fact thatthe receiver returns immediately no matter if it finds a message or not. The consumeworker is responsible for iterating until it receives a message to handle and/or until oneof the stop conditions is reached. Thus, the worker's stop logic cannot be reached if itis stuck in a blocking call.

There should never be more than one messenger:consume command running with the samecombination of stream, group and consumer, or messages could end up beinghandled more than once. If you run multiple queue workers, consumer can be set to anenvironment variable, like %env(MESSENGER_CONSUMER_NAME)%, set by Supervisor(example below) or any other service used to manage the worker processes.In a container environment, the HOSTNAME can be used as the consumer name, sincethere is only one worker per container/host. If using Kubernetes to orchestrate thecontainers, consider using a StatefulSet to have stable names.

The messenger.transport.symfony_serializer is a built-in service that usesthe Serializer component and can be configured in a few ways.If you do choose to use the Symfony serializer, you can control the contexton a case-by-case basis via the SerializerStamp(see Envelopes & Stamps).

Symfony will normally find and register your handler automatically.But, you can also configure a handler manually - and pass it some extra config -by tagging the handler service with messenger.message_handler

It's possible to have messenger pass additional data to the message handlerusing the HandlerArgumentsStamp.Add this stamp to the envelope in a middleware and fill it with any additionaldata you want to have available in the handler:

By default, each handler will be available to handle messages on allof your buses. To prevent dispatching a message to the wrong bus without an error,you can restrict each handler to a specific bus using the messenger.message_handler tag:

The IMessenger interface is a contract for types that can be used to exchange messages between different objects. This can be useful to decouple different modules of an application without having to keep strong references to types being referenced. It is also possible to send messages to specific channels, uniquely identified by a token, and to have different messengers in different sections of an application. The MVVM Toolkit provides two implementations out of the box: WeakReferenceMessenger and StrongReferenceMessenger: the former uses weak references internally, offering automatic memory management for recipients, while the latter uses strong references and requires developers to manually unsubscribe their recipients when they're no longer needed (more details about how to unregister message handlers can be found below), but in exchange for that offers better performance and far less memory usage.

Both WeakReferenceMessenger and StrongReferenceMessenger also expose a Default property that offers a thread-safe implementation built-in into the package. It is also possible to create multiple messenger instances if needed, for instance if a different one is injected with a DI service provider into a different module of the app (for instance, multiple windows running in the same process).

Since the WeakReferenceMessenger type is simpler to use and matches the behavior of the messenger type from the MvvmLight library, it is the default type being used by the ObservableRecipient type in the MVVM Toolkit. The StrongReferenceType can still be used, by passing an instance to the constructor of that class.

Another useful feature of messenger instances is that they can also be used to request values from a module to another. In order to do so, the package includes a base RequestMessage class, which can be used like so:

Access, organization, expansion, and protection set this aesthetically beautiful bag far apart from run-of-the-mill messengers. Access via the 1-handed, secure MagLatch closure hardware, which adjusts to allow up to 6L of internal expansion.

I purchased this messenger bag for my Son. He is the epitome of Mr. Cool Debonair and this bag style fits him like a glove. He is so thrilled with it that I am going to purchase an overnight bag to complete the look. Great quality and American Made to boot!

"As a bike messenger on the streets of Boston, my messenger bag was my mobile office. Simply designed with one roomy interior, it carried my daily ncessities: packages, lunch, change of clothes, and everything else.

By default, the Web Messenger can be initialized from any domain with the use of the integrationId. To limit domains where Web messenger can be used, you can use the originWhitelist setting in the Update Integration API. 0852c4b9a8

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