UA Friday Freedom & Prosperity

This Underearners Anonymous Meeting is held each week on Fridays at 7:00 PM PST.


Hello everyone. My name is ________ and I am an underearner.

Welcome to the Friday Freedom and Prosperity Fresno Meeting of Underearners Anonymous.

Serenity Prayer:

May we please have a moment of silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer.

God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Amen.


Underearners Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from compulsive underearning.

The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop underearning. There are no dues or fees for UA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.

UA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes.

Our primary purpose is to stop compulsive underearning, one day at a time, and to help other underearners do the same.

Members of U.A. Use the support and power of a Twelve step fellowship, as well as additional Tools to more fully actualize their potential and create lives grounded in gratitude and Serenity.

Introductions and Action Taken Toward Recovery:

Please introduce yourselves by first name only, and, if you wish, please share only one action that you have taken this week to support your recovery.

Basic Information:

We operate via a text contact list. People who put their names on this list are willing to receive program calls and emails, which are helpful program tools. Feel free to add your name and contact information or make corrections to our contact list.

If you have not already done so, now would be a good time to turn off all electronic devices.

This is a non-smoking meeting. The bathroom is across the courtyard and to the right.

Will all available sponsors please raise your hands? There may be long- distance sponsors available. See the Secretary or Literature Chair after the meeting for more information.

Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions:

Our program is based on the belief that the foundation of change and recovery from our shared problem is to be found in working the 12 Steps and abiding by the 12 traditions developed by Alcoholics Anonymous and that this spiritual program is the key to serenity.

· Who would be willing to read the 12 Steps of UA?

· Who would be willing to read the Tradition of the month and the 12th tradition?

Meeting Norms:

Tradition Two states, “For our group purpose, there is but one ultimate authority – a loving God as is expressed in our group conscience.” So, to maintain the serenity of the meeting, here are some accepted guidelines:

· Please try to focus your sharing on how underearning and your recovery from it impacts your life.

· We do not engage in cross-talk which we define as interrupting or directly addressing another sharer.

Welcome Newcomers:

Before we begin we want to welcome any newcomers to the meeting and acknowledge your being here.

It is suggested that at first you attend at least six meetings so you have time to identify with the speakers, begin to absorb the UA concepts, learn more about the UA tools, and start making some outreach calls.

We need a newcomer greeter to take names and numbers of newcomers for outreach calls and to answer any newcomer questions after the meeting.
Could we have a volunteer to serve as newcomer greeter? [PAUSE]


· Who would be willing to read the Symptoms of Underearning?

· Who would be willing to read to Tools of Underearners Anonymous?

Now we will take turns reading today’s reading material.

Week 1: Steps

We will read until 7:25 PM or the end of the chapter, whichever comes first.

Read about step of the month from the AA 12 & 12.

[Leader selects a question from the UA Step Writing Guide as a focus.]

Week 2: Goals Pages

Read a section from the UA Goals Pages, share for 1-2 min, and pass till 7:25 PM.

Week 3: Traditions

We will read until 7:25 PM or the end of the chapter, whichever comes first.

Read about the Tradition of the month from the AA Twelve Traditions Illustrated.

[Leader selects a question from the Traditions Checklist from the AA Grapevine as a focus.]

Week 4: Literature

Read a section from the Fresno UA binder book, share for 1-2 min, and pass till 7:25 PM.

Week 5: Speaker Meeting

We will now hear from our speaker __________, who will share for 10 minutes on their experience, strength, and hope in UA recovery. ________, how would you like your time divided? [ex 5min, 3 min, 2 min -or- 5 min and 5 min]

[Thank speaker after share.]

Invitation to Begin Sharing:

To best facilitate sharing, we need a spiritual timekeeper. Who would be willing to do that service?

Week 1 = 5 or less people = 4 min shares | 6+ people =3 min shares

Weeks 2-5, 6 or less people = 4 min shares | 7+ people = 3 min shares.

Shares will be for a total of __ minutes with a 1 minute warning at __ minutes.

Who would like to begin the sharing on our reading or anything else related to your underearning?

[note, if all have shared before 50 min, mark, chair states]

We have __ minutes left for sharing. Who would like to make a 2nd share?

Seventh Tradition [@ 50 MINUTES]

Now it’s time for the 7th Tradition. UA has no dues or fees. We are self supporting through our own contributions. But we do have expenses.

Please give what you can, and if you can give nothing for now, keep coming back because you are more important than your money.


· By group conscience, we hold our business meeting on the 1st Friday of the month. [meeting held after regular meeting ends]

· Also, the pink leader sheet is going around. Please sign up if you are willing to lead the meeting.

Are there any UA related announcements? (2-3 minutes)

Do we have a Secretary’s Report?

Do we have a Treasurer’s Report?

Final Share Actions: [@55 MINUTES]

Now is the time we briefly share some actions we plan to take today, or this week, to overcome underearning, and to enrich our fiscal and spiritual solvency. Who would like to share actions?

That is all the time we have for sharing.

Promises Reading:

· Would someone please read the Promises?


In closing, the opinions expressed here today are strictly those of the individuals who gave them. The things we have heard here are spoken in confidence and should be treated as confidential. We do not take outside the meeting who we hear at the meeting. If we try to absorb what we have heard, we are bound to gain a better understanding of the way to handle our problems and begin to change our lives.

Let us talk to each other; reason things out with someone else. And let there be no gossip or criticism of one another, but only Love, Understanding and Fellowship.

Will all who care to please join me in saying The Closing Prayer?

[Pass around the closing prayer sheets in the leader binder]

The meeting is open for fellowship.