
This code is described in the paper A Style Transfer Mapping and Fine-tuning Subject Transfer Framework Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Surface Electromyogram Pattern Recognition  accepted by ICASSP2022

This code is described in the paper Semi-supervised style transfer mapping-based framework for sEMG-based pattern recognition with 1- or 2-DoF forearm motions  accepted by Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2021. 

This code is described in the paper Are armband sEMG devices dense enough for long-term use?--Sensor placement shifts cause significant reduction in recognition accuracy accepted by Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2020

 This code is described in the paper Multi-scale dictionary learning for ocular artifact reduction from single-channel electroencephalograms accepted by Neurocomputing, 2019

This code is described in the paper A Comparative Study of Features and Classifiers in Single-channel EEG-based Motor Imagery BCI accepted by Global SIP 2018