U.S. Online Gambling Act Postponed Due to Economic Crisis

Representative Barney Frank, chairman of the U.S. House Financial Services Committee, is the biggest supporter of the U.S. online gambling bill. He proposed a bill to abolish the illegal Internet gambling enforcement law. The same bill will also pave the way for the legalization and regulation of internet gambling in the United States.

Representative Frank has support from both sides on the bill and support is growing. Some of his supporters are like those who originally supported the illegal Internet gambling control law, but they have changed their minds since then. Others, who originally didn't have much opinion either way, have now come to believe that legalized internet gambling will be good for the United States. Representative Frank has 35 co-sponsors of his bill. They understand that people want the right to gamble.

Many online casinos have been preparing the necessary measures to reclaim their place in the U.S. market. Also, in view of possible changes to gambling laws, big game companies have settled lawsuits against the United States. 바카라사이트

Unfortunately for the gambling industry, the current economic crisis has forced gambling bills to take a back seat. The U.S. House Financial Services Committee now has more pressing issues to deal with. The bill is expected to be temporarily put on hold until September at the earliest.