The Repository

Collection of lesson ideas and musings from a science teacher

"Wizard" by Keith Harvie

The kids walk in, stroll in, bounce in, flounce in, strut in, dance in, and finally stagger into my classroom

There are even a few who look and act like they have been swept up by a tornado and dropped in the back row

Each in his or her own way is following the yellow brick road to my door in search of the Emerald City and the Wizard of Oz

Some need courage and I support them and believe in them until they believe in themselves

Some want a heart and I introduce them to art, music, theatre, and poetry and let them explore their feelings

Some are in search of a brain and I help them locate theirs and show them how to use it to the best of their ability

Some are trying to find a home and I give them a safe, secure place to be with an adult who listens and cares

I am not really a wizard so I use my teaching skills to help my students learn that the magic is within them, not me

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