Welcome to my website!

Leah Burton

Keyboarding Instructor

My website will be used to post important class information, student resources, and updates. Please feel free to bookmark my website so that you never miss anything important!

I hope you enjoy your stay!

This is the first year that Toy Town Academy has introduced a typing class as one of its summer camps, and as such, you may be wondering...why should you take this class and how will you benefit from it? Look no further! Here are ten reasons (not the only ones!) to sign up for this course this summer!

10 Reasons to Sign Up for Typing at Toy Town Academy This Summer

Compiled by Leah Burton using multiple online sources (last updated in 2021)
  1. "Proper keyboarding technique can not only increase speed and accuracy, but prevents injuries and strains related to typing."

  2. Good typing skills prevent many health conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist issues, and neck and shoulder stiffness. Your health is important and it comes first! Take this class to preserve your health and prevent the chances of contracting various health conditions.

  3. Good typing skills help you improve your focus on any task relating to using a computer because since you don't have to look at your keyboard to find the right keys, you allow yourself to focus on progressing in the task before you and therefore get it done faster.

  4. Believe it or not - keyboarding is a skill essential for the development of other skills -- from learning coding to learning a new language -- keyboarding is a tech skill that is quickly becoming important in almost every aspect of our daily lives!

  5. Good typing skills help you become more time efficient as proper keyboarding technique ensures that you will get more done in less time. For those looking to improve their time management skills, this class could be for you!

  6. In today's time and age, everything is going digital! Whether you need to send a quick note to friends, family, or colleagues, find new information, or create documents, typing correctly will help you do these in no time!

  7. Typing well helps you edit those documents and emails (see #6) you're sending in a time efficient manner and be more productive!

  8. Typing improves your memory and enhances your brain function by activating new memory muscles that engage most parts of your brain and build cognitive connections.

  9. When you learn to type correctly, you'll also be able to improve your posture.

  10. It's super easy to learn and fun! With time and practice, you will become a master in a manner of weeks!

Student Resources

Here I'll be adding all sorts of web links, documents, and games for you to check out to improve your typing! Some will be used directly in class (and uploaded here for your reference, as well as in Google Classroom) and others are extra for those who find themselves with more time and are interested!

  • My Welcome Letter - this will be given out to students and parents via email at the beginning of the class explaining what we'll be covering over two weeks and how to practice at home (recommended, but not mandatory)!

  • Supply List - this document will be given out to students and parents via email at the beginning of the class along with my welcome letter explaining what students will need in order to be prepared and succeed in class!

Typing handouts will also be posted here as we use them.