I fled from my doctor’s office, determined to do what it took to reverse type 2 diabetes.


I wouldn’t accept it when the nurse said “It can’t be done. Just relax and accept it.” 

Wrong answer!

So I went on the internet, and searched frantically for answers.

But I came up with nothing except for some crazy over-hyped (and unproven) medicines from far away countries…

And some hints on controlling your diabetes from (would you believe it…) pharmaceutical companies that produce diabetes medication!

How can that be right?

If you are a pre diabetic or you have type 2 diabetes… and you’ve suffered for years, you are going to know how I felt.

Maybe you feel the same.

Effort 4

for taking a piece of cake at a family birthday.

Well, I discovered the answer and started taking action.

 I couldn’t believe how quick I started reversing the effects of Type 2 diabetes.

You heard me right!

I reversed all the symptoms of diabetes and have been in the best health of my adult life for 5 years now!

I didn’t accept this was my future and neither should you.

Did you know that over 422 Million people worldwide and over 35 million people in the United States alone have some form of diabetes?

That means that 1 in 11 people you know already have it.

It’s estimated that as much as 1 in 3 adults are either prediabetic or diabetic.


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The Diabetes Strategy

A one-line description of the project