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Travel to School: Driving, Parking, Walking, Scooting

There have been renewed complaints from local residents about ill-considered parking by parents in the streets around Tynewater Primary School.  Please be considerate when parking your car. Everyone is aware that there is limited space, but local residents are still being inconvenienced and pedestrians endangered by parking on pavements, corners and in front of driveways. Please do not think "I'll only be two minutes" and leave your car in a compromising position. Those two minutes can easily turn into ten and mean that others are late for work.  Both the Police and the Council are aware of the issue.  

Have you tried parking slightly further away and walking to school? Do you really need to drive at all (clearly, some people have no choice)?  On this page is the Midlothian Active Travel leaflet which might be helpful.

SRTS Tynewater (1).pdf