
Who/What do you need to forgive?

Examine yourself; is there a hurt you are holding on to? A huge body of research reinforces the power and importance of releasing our negative feelings towards others so we can move on. This impacts our spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional health. 

CHALLENGE: Discover a place in your life where forgiveness is needed.  Make a goal to work on releasing your negative feelings. It may take a while, but the lessons from The Tempest can sink in and change us.  Below are some strategies to help you.

Practice apologizing and asking for forgiveness ourselves. We all make mistakes. As we get better at saying we are sorry and trying to right our own wrongs, it will get easier to forgive other people. 

Use your imagination! It can help change our thinking. Role-playing is deeply therapeutic. This can help you work through the steps that may happen in your mind and your heart as you try to recognize and then let go of negative thoughts and feelings. 

Imagine the person who hurt you as a baby. When we focus on seeing someone as a person who can also get hurt and cry and need help, it can help us let go of our angry, upset feelings and move on. Imagination is a critical component of empathy. 

A recent episode of Bluey engages with the struggle to release negative feelings and move on. We all need more Bluey. Watch and consider the advice and exercise demonstrated in this video.

(Bluey: “Stickbird,” Season 3, Episode 41)