2021 Spring

Time: 14:00 ~ 16:00, Friday

Venue: SC4009-0, NSYSU (國立中山大學 理學院 4011 室)

[Building 9 on the Campus map]

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Book of Abstracts

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Spectra of Graphs by Andries E. Brouwer and Willem H. Haemers (pdf)

  • 1/29, Hsin-Hao Lai @ SC4009-0

Hsin-Hao Lai - Book: ~1.7 Decomposition, automorphism, algebraic connectivity

  • 2/19, Huilan Chang & Jephian Lin @ SC4009-0

Huilan Chang - Book: ~1.9 cospectral graphs

  • 3/5, Jephian Lin @ SC4009-0

Jephian Lin - Book: ~2.2 Perron-Frobenius theorem

  • 3/26

Jephian Lin - Book: ~2.5 Interlacing

  • 4/16

Jephian Lin - Book: ~2.11 Projections

Wei-Liang Sun - Book: ~3.1 The largest eigenvalue

  • 5/7

Wei-Liang Sun - Book: ~3.1 The largest eigenvalue

  • 6/4

Guan-Ru Yu - Book: ~3.4 Bipartite graphs

Hsin-Hao Lai - Book: ~3.6 Chromatic number

  • 7/9 or next semester

Yuan-Hsun Lo - Book: ~3.7 Shannon capacity

Tsai-Lien Wong - Book: ~3.10 Laplace eigenvalues and degrees

Huilan Chang - Book: ~3.11 The Grone--Merris conjecture

Jephian - Book: ~3.13 Applications of eigenvectors