
最新公告 (Announcement)

2021/11/21 - 公告12 (Announcement 12)

大會圓滿落幕 (The conference ended successfully)
活動影片連結(Video Link of All Activities)

2021/11/20 - 公告11 (Announcement 11)

壁報得獎名單 (Poster Award lists)

  1. 第一名(First Place):林尚緯(Shang-Wei Lin)

Shang-Wei Lin, Kuan-Hsuan Su, Yi-Qi Yeh, U-Ser Jeng, Chun-Ming Wu, and Hsiao-Ching Yang*, Molecular Dynamics Simulation Combined with Small-angle X-ray/Neutron Scattering Defining Solution-State Protein Structures, 2021 TWNSS Annual meeting, P-05 (2021).

  1. 第二名(Second Place):廖崟馮(Yin-Ping Liao)

Jia-Wen Hong, Yi-Qing Jian, Yin-Ping Liao, Hsiang-Ho Hung, Tzu-Yen Huang, Andrew Nelson, I-Yu Tsao, Chun-Ming Wu*, Ya-Sen Sun*, Distributions of Deuterated Polystyrene Chains in Perforated Layers of Blend Films of a Symmetric Polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate), 2021 TWNSS Annual meeting, P-04 (2021).

  1. 第三名(Third Place):劉恩沛(En-Pei Liu)

En-Pei Liu, Yu-Ting Tai, Chao-Hung Du* and Wei-Tin Chen*, Study of Structure and Magnetic Properties of Perovskite Pr(MnxCr1-x)O3, 2021 TWNSS Annual meeting, P-07 (2021).

  1. 參加獎(Participate Award):王筑萱(Tzu-Shiuan Wang)、鄭慶嘉(Ching-Chia Cheng)、洪翔荷(Hsiang-Ho Hung)、陳弘源(Hung-Yuan Chen)、賴君豪(Chnu-Hao Lai)、蘇冠璇(Kuan-Hsuan Su)、洪紫媚(Zih-Mei Hong)、蔡湕辰(Jain-Chen Tsai)

2021/11/19 - 公告10 (Announcement 10)

議程更新 (Renew Schedule)

We invite Dr. Mark Robert Johnson (ILL) to talk about the opportunities for science and innovation at ILL.

2021/11/17 - 公告9 (Announcement 9)

關於軟物質議程(About Soft Matter Session)

11/19第一天大會在軟物質(Soft matter)議程部分將與NSRRCANSTO以視訊方式合辦。會議名稱與時間為「台澳雙邊小角度散射會議」(11/19 08:0017:00)




The conference is co-organized with NSRRC and ANSTO in the soft matter session on the first day of 11/19. The name and time of the meeting is "NSRRC – ANSTO Small-Angle Scattering Workshop" (11/19 08:00-17:00)

Therefore, WebEx software is utilized for this official video conference from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The link is as follows:


Please use your mobile phone, tablet, or computer to join the meeting in the morning. There will be live broadcasts with interactions in the Chi-Hsiang Hall in the afternoon.


陳守信院士追思晚宴(11/19 17:0021:00)


A special event will be arranged during the banquet to memorialize Professor Sow-Hsin Chen, a pioneer in neutron scattering, by the video conference with the Hsinchu Synchrotron Radiation Research Center. Several talks will be presented by Professor Sow-Hsin Chen's friends, students, postdoc, and associates at the dinner.

Special event at the banquet - memorial Prof. Sow-Hsin Chen(11/19 17:0021:00)


2021/11/15 - 公告8 (Announcement 8)


(最後更新時間 :2021/11/15 10:40 PM)

The route to the City Suits from THSR on the first and the bus timetable to National Sun Yat-sen University from THSR on the second day is available at the following link.

(Latest Update: 2021/11/15 10:40 PM)

2021/11/14 - 公告7 (Announcement 7)


(最後更新時間 :2021/11/15 07:35 AM)

Program Book is now online! Download Here

(Latest Update: 2021/11/15 07:35 AM)

2021/11/13 - 公告6 (Announcement 6)

交通資訊 (Transportation)

由高鐵站 (From Taiwan High Speed Rail)

鐵站 (From Kaohsiung Train Station)

2021/11/11 - 公告5 (Announcement 5)

摘要暫定版已經上線,可以在這裡下載!(最後更新時間 :2021/11/14 08:15 PM)

Tentative Abstract Book is now online! Download Here (Latest Update: 2021/11/14 08:15 PM)

2021/11/11 - 公告4 (Announcement 4)

Notice of the Poster Presentation:


The poster session is announced on the agenda. If you need our assistance to print out the poster, please e-mail the file or download link to twnss2021@gmail.com before 11:59 pm on 11/14. Since printing takes a long time, any service request after the deadline will not be accepted. We will help to print out and post before the session begin. If you decide to print out it yourself, please complete the stick your poster to the corresponding board with the poster number before 10:00 on 11/20. The serial number of the poster will also be announced soon.

2021/11/09 - 公告4 (Announcement 4)


A student who had the last five digits of remittance, "23153", and wired NTD1750, did not fill in the reply form. Therefore, it is not possible to arrange a roommate for accommodation (because of gender issues). If you have not received the payment confirmation form, please fill out the form as soon as possible, and make a notice to Chun-Chuen Yang via email address - "chunchuenyang@gmail.com."

2021/11/07 - 公告3 (Announcement 3)

第一波參邀會議之邀請函與繳款確認單已經寄發,請至註冊時留下之E-Mail信箱收信。如有問題,請E-Mail給chunchuenayang@gmail.com , 楊仲準.

The invitation and payment confirmation letters have been sent, and please check them in the email box you left during registration. If you have any questions, please email to chunchuenayang@gmail.com, Chun-Chuen Yang.

The agenda of the conference is updated. The abstract book, poster numbers, and driving directions will be updated soon.

2021/10/28 - 公告2 (Announcement 2)


Abstract upload website problem has been fixed
口頭與壁報摘要投稿(Abstract Submission):這裡(Here)

2021/10/18 - 公告1 (Announcement 1)

2021台灣中子科學學會年會暨中子散射技術研討會已經開放報名。(Registration site is open now!)

會議日期(Dates of the conference): 2021/11/19~2021/11/20

報名時間(Registration Time): 2021/10/15~2021/10/31

線上報名網址(Registration Website): https://forms.gle/388Mtvu2MMCvj4nQ7

匯款完成請填寫下面表單通知主辦單位(Please fill the following form after the money transfer is completed. 這裡(Here)

海報下載(Flyer Download): 這裡(Here)

口頭與壁報摘要格式下載(Abstract Template for Oral and Poster): 這裡(Here)

口頭與壁報摘要投稿(Abstract Submission):這裡(Here)

2021/10/15 - 公告1


(2021 TWNSS Annual Meeting and Symposium for Neutron Scattering)


Registration has already begun, and the number of places is limited. Please register quickly.


This conference also provides a poster presentation session, which is an excellent opportunity to publish your research related to neutron experiments.

如欲參加請連結至: https://forms.gle/388Mtvu2MMCvj4nQ7

Join now: https://forms.gle/388Mtvu2MMCvj4nQ7


Please use the postal transfer to the account of the Taiwan Neutron Science Society and fill the following form after the registration is completed.



Please fill one form if more than one person merges the remittance.

為配合中央流行疫情指揮中心指示 : 提醒與會人員在出入無法保持社交距離、或會密切接觸不特定對象之人潮擁擠或密閉空間(如 : 大眾運輸、接駁車輛、教育學習場所、展演競賽場所及大型活動)時,請佩戴口罩。

Instructions of the Central Epidemic Command Center: Participants enter crowded or confined spaces where they cannot maintain social distancing or have close contact with unknown persons (such as taking public transportation, shuttle vehicles, education, and learning venues, exhibition and competition venues, and For large-scale events), please wear a mask.


Detail Information about Annual Meeting

大會地址(Venue Address)

高雄市鹽埕區大義街1號 / No. 1, Dayi St., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City 803003 , Taiwan

城市商旅高雄真愛館 / City Suites - Kaohsiung Chenai

城市商旅高雄真愛館客房介紹(About Hotel)


Due to the limited number of rooms, we prepare double rooms for students, single rooms, or double rooms for teachers/researchers/postdoctoral (or general persons) in principle. We can book and allocate roommates. The room type and price are different. If paid exceed or less the needs, refund or makeup is required. If the number of rooms is insufficient and the house needs to be changed, we will send a reminder letter and assist in changing the room.

11/19 豪華客房兩大床$1450/含兩早,學生優先。

11/19 Deluxe Room Double Bed $1450/with two breakfast, student first


City Suit Double Bed $1650/with two breakfast, Teacher/PI/Postdoc first

11/20 (如果會後要續住一天)

11/20 (Stay one more day)


Harbor View Room Double Bed $2450/with two breakfast

費用估算(About Hotel)




11/20 (如果會後要續住一天)


匯款估算(Remittance estimate):


方案一:註冊費2000+住宿費(11/19城市客房)1650= 3650

方案:註冊費2000+住宿費(11/19豪華客房)1450= 3450

方案:註冊費2000+住宿費(11/19城市客房)1650+住宿費(11/20港景客房)2450= 6100

方案:註冊費2000+住宿費(11/19豪華客房)1450+住宿費(11/20港景客房)2450= 5900


Case 1 : Registration fee 2000 + accommodation fee (11/19 City Suit) 1650 = 3650

Case 2 : Registration fee 2000 + accommodation fee (11/19 Deluxe Room) 1450 = 3450

Case 3 : Registration fee 2000 + accommodation fee (11/19 City Suit) + accommodation fee (11/20 Harbor View Room) 2450 = 6100

Case 4 : Registration fee 2000 + accommodation fee (11/19 Deluxe Room) 1450 + accommodation fee (11/20 Harbor View Room) 2450 = 5900.


方案一:註冊費1000+住宿費(11/19豪華客房兩人一室)1450/2 = 每人1725

方案二:註冊費1000+住宿費(11/19豪華客房兩人一室)1450/2 + 住宿費(11/20港景客房兩人一室)2450/2 = 每人2950


case 1:Registration fee 1000 + accommodation fee(11/19 Deluxe Room, two persons in one room) 1450/2 = $1725 for each person.

case 2:Registration fee 1000 + accommodation fee(11/19 Deluxe Room, two persons in one room) 1450/2 + accommodation fee (11/20 Harbor View Room) 2450/2 = $2950 for each person.

壁報論文競賽(Poster Competition)


The conference will hold a poster paper competition at 11/20, which will be graded by the committees, awarded to the outstanding poster papers, and awarded with scholarships. Please indicate whether you want to participate in the poster paper award at the time of registration.


Papers related to the following topics are welcome:


All fields related to neutron science: including physics, chemistry, materials, biotechnology, polymers, food, chemicals, environmental protection, earth science, animal/plant and other related fields.


All fields related to synchrotron radiation/X-ray science: including physics, chemistry, materials, biotechnology, polymer, food, chemical, environmental protection, earth science, animal/plant and other related fields.

報名方式:請於10/15-10/31於大會報名網址線上報名並勾選參加壁報論文比賽。 報名網址 https://forms.gle/a16yrjY6aJZdiGaS9

Registration: Please register online before 9/30 on the registration website and check the participation in the poster paper competition. Registration main page: https://forms.gle/a16yrjY6aJZdiGaS9

投稿方式:請於10/31(星期日)前在報名網頁中完成論文摘要投稿 : https://forms.gle/FxYdakY1HNc74We8A

Submission: Please upload the abstract before 10/31 (Wednesday) through the registration main page : https://forms.gle/FxYdakY1HNc74We8A


Poster presentation:


The poster session is announced on the agenda. If you need our assistance to print out the poster, please e-mail the file or download link to twnss2021@gmail.com before 11:59 pm on 11/14. Since printing takes a long time, any service request after the deadline will not be accepted. We will help to print out and post before the session begin. If you decide to print out it yourself, please complete the stick your poster to the corresponding board with the poster number before 10:00 on 11/20. The serial number of the poster will also be announced soon.


For Authors


Abstract format

壁報摘要投稿時請統一以Word編輯,論文摘要的內容需含題目及作者資料(中、英文姓名及單位名稱)與英文摘要,文稿請以A4格式撰寫,不用編頁碼。摘要內容以英文格式撰寫,不收中文摘要。摘要不分段,以一頁為限,最後需附上keywords(不超過5個),摘要請勿超過300字,請同時提供Word與PDF兩種檔案格式。中英文各以標楷體及Time New Roman字體撰寫。

Please edit it in Word as submitting the abstract. The content of the abstract must contain the title and author information (Chinese and English name and unit name) and English abstract. The manuscript should be written in A4 format without page number. The abstract content is written in English format and no Chinese abstract is accepted. The summary is not segmented, limited to one page. Finally, attach keywords (no more than 5), and the summary within 300 words. Please provide both Word and PDF file formats. Both Chinese and English are written in standard fonts and in Time New Roman fonts.


Format: Single line spacing in English. One line spacing between the title and the abstract. Horizontal page, 2 cm spacing to each edge of the page.

(2)字體:摘要題目字體都為大寫、粗體,字體大小皆為16號,內文字體大小以12號,使用Times New Roman Font,不需加註頁碼。

Font: The title fonts are all uppercase and bold with the font size of number 16. Otherwise, the font size of the manuscript is number 12. Times New Roman font is applied to everywhere. Page numbers are no need.



Display method: Poster

(2)壁報大小:規格為80 cm (寬) × 100 cm (高)。

Poster size: 80 cm (width) × 100 cm (height).

(3)壁報內容:全文請以中文或英文書寫。海報內容包括標題、作者,及單位名稱 (標題請以顯目之字體大小呈現)。內文含Introduction、Method、Result及Conclusion。相關研究結果之圖表、相片圖。請以大約0.5-1公尺距離可辨識之適當尺寸呈現在海報上,文字內容請以至少字體大小28點之形式呈現以利閱讀,數據資料儘可能以圖及表呈現。

Poster content: Manuscript is writing in Chinese or English. The poster content includes the title, author, and unit name (the title should be presented in a prominent font size). The text contains Introduction, Method, Result, and Conclusion. Charts and photographs of relevant research results. Please present it on the poster at an appropriate size of about 0.5-1 meters. The text should be displayed at least in the size of number 28 for reading. The data is suggested be presented in the format of the figure or table.


Poster Competition and Awards


The excellent poster will be awarded a certificate and a scholarship (First place $5000;Second place $3000;Third Place $2000;Participation Award $1000).