Frequently asked questions

Why Account need to be created?

To make requests to Twitter for data, you need valid Bearer Token. Account Name can be anything related to project. It's purpose is to identify token only.

What is Bearer Token and How to generate it?

Bearer Token is an access token used with OAuth 2.0. Generate with following steps:

1. Sign in to "Twitter Developer Portal"

2. Create new App in "Projects and Apps"

3. Generate and save the Bearer token from "keys and Tokens".

Countries and places are empty in Trends Page?

Restart the Application\nIf problem still persist then Re-install the application.

Why Sentiment Score is inaccurate ?

Sentiment Score Model is generally trained. So Do not rely on this sentiment score. Download tweets and train your own sentiment score prediction model.

For More FAQ, Refer to FAQ section in settings page of APP....