that means that you need to add user32.lib to your project and it won't run unless you have Windows XP or newer. the Windows SDK which comes with CVI 8 dates from Windows 2000, so it will not define those functions: you will need to either update to CVI 9 or download a recent Windows SDK from the microsoft website.

These functions are only available on Windows XP and later. Because I assume you will be using Windows XP and later, you can get around this by adding the following line to the predefined macros section of your build options:

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I've only tested it with two USB joysticks (Logitech Extreme 3D Pro & Saitek Cyborg EVO Force) but it should work with any USB joystick that supports the HID joystick class using the built-in driver. (I'm using windows 2000)

Now if you need multiple joysticks or fancy features or more than about 1% position accuracy, you'll have to hassle with calibration issues and maybe learn other interface methods, but I just dropped this into a timer callback that was calling NIDAQ to read X & Y voltages for an analog (expensive!) joystick and am good to go!

And if there is no USB joystick plugged it it just reads minus full scale (unconnected analog inputs usually float to plus or minus full scale). If you need error handling its easy enough to add since status is returned.

I just tried a USB Logitech Precision game controller. This is not a joystick, but it falls in the same HID class driver model. It has two-axis "rocker" switch (along with 10 other pushbutton switches) that maps to the X-Y joystick axis and delivers plus and minus full scale when pushed. This allows a quick 1 of 4 or 1 of 8 response like you might want to use to signal orientation in a Landolt C visual acuity test or duplicate an advanced joystick's "coolie hat" switch response.

The 10 buttons (each has a molded label, number 1 thru 10) map as joyinfo.wButtons which set a bit 0 thru 9 reading as values 1 through 512 when pressed. And if you manage to get multiple buttons pressed and held between polls you read the OR of the bits -- buttons 4 and 6 pressed read as 8 + 32 or 40, (0x18). Simple, logical, and couldn't be easier to use.

I'd recommend creating a new thread for this question--you'll get more exposure and it's more likely that somebody familiar with these Windows functions and/or the Extreme 3D Pro will be able to answer.

i am using Extreme 3D Pro Joystick with cvi 9.0 , my issue is that i am using joystick.fp instrument driver to read from the joystick, the issue i am facing is this that joystick.fp only allows me to use 4 buttons at most, if i want to use more butttons or if i want to change location of button number i am unable to do so kindly guide me in this regard, i will be thankful to you. i have already read your contribution on the fourm.

i am currently looking for a gamepad/controller solution for my Win98/MSdos rig. Been looking at logitech controllers and mayflash ps2/ps1 adapters. i was wondering if its possible to get these usb controllers/adapter working in MSDOS?

I've got an adapter (based on arduino) called joy2ps2, that let's you connect 2 atari style joystick/gamepads to the ps/2 port of the computer. Usually they are 2 buttons joysticks (like the Competition Pro), but it also supports 6 button Sega Genesis gamepads.

No additional drivers are needed IIRC, Windows 98 detects it as a Logitech Dual Action as long as the switch on the bottom of the controller is set to DirectInput mode, and it being a USB gamepad I doubt it works on real mode DOS as previously pointed out (you'll still need a separate DB15 gamepad for that ? ).

I feel you on the chucking old hardware. Probably 5 or so years ago I had 3-4 different AWE32 cards I gave away as well as some Socket 7 motherboards, a bunch of old processors, etc. a couple years ago I gave away a bunch of old video cards that I didn't want as well as a complete PII system.

I have two players connected to the xin-mo board, with both players having a joystick and six buttons. The xin-mo is connected with a single USB to the PC. When connecting the arcade controller to a Windows PC, the PC recognizes it as two separate controllers, as it should. In Lakka however the controller is recognized as a single controller.

and right after APPEND i manually put the code usbhid.quirks=0x16c0:0x05e1:0x040(which im not even sure thats right right ID cand venddor which i cant figure out. mine is called twin usb controller not xin mo)

Then you can try to boot by entering in the boot menu live usbhid.quirks=0x16c0:0x05e1:0x040. If it is working you can edit the bootloader configuration file following this documentation. You should have something like this :

I got my Xin Mo controller working properly on an Asus Tinkerboard running Lakka 2.2 by removing the SD card and editing the file /extlinux/extlinux.conf on a windows 10 pc, using Wordpad, as shown below.

Input on my dance pad worked, and was showing as button and axis presses. (However I was hoping it would show the arrow buttons as buttons, the original drivers were able to do this back on windows xp, but alas, I no longer know the location of that disk.)

After installation of a driver (based on visual recognition of the adapter) I made the error of installing the wrong driver, in an attempt to get the axis to show up as button presses allowing simultaneous left/right presses.

/dev/input/jsX maps to the Joystick API interface and /dev/input/event* maps to the evdev ones (this also includes other input devices such as mice and keyboards). Symbolic links to those devices are also available in /dev/input/by-id/ and /dev/input/by-path/ where the legacy Joystick API has names ending with -joystick while the evdev have names ending with -event-joystick.

While SDL1 defaults to evdev interface you can force it to use the old Joystick API by setting the environment variable SDL_JOYSTICK_DEVICE=/dev/input/js0. This can help many games such as X3. SDL2 supports only the new evdev interface.

As you can see, there are many different modules related to getting your joystick working in Linux, so everything is not covered here. Please have a look at the documentation mentioned above for details.

You need to load a module for your gameport (ns558, emu10k1-gp, cs461x, etc...), a module for your joystick (analog, sidewinder, adi, etc...), and finally the kernel joystick device driver (joydev). You can load the module at boot, or simply modprobe it. The gameport module should load automatically, as this is a dependency of the other modules.

You need to get USB working, and then modprobe your gamepad driver, which is usbhid, as well as joydev. If you use a usb mouse or keyboard, usbhid will be loaded already and you just have to load the joydev module.

There are a lot of applications that can test this old API, jstest from the joyutils package is the simplest one. If the output is unreadable because the line printed is too long you can also use graphical tools. KDE Plasma has a built in one in System Settings > Input Devices > Game Controller. There is jstest-gtk-gitAUR as an alternative.

The new 'evdev' API can be tested using the SDL2 joystick test application or using evtest from evtest or evtest-qt from evtest-qt-gitAUR. Install sdl2-jstest-gitAUR[broken link: package not found] and then run sdl2-jstest --test 0. Use sdl2-jstest --list to get IDs of other controllers if you have multiple ones connected.

Go to Currently, testing vibration and producing a visual of the gamepad is supported in Chromium but not Firefox. Additionally, as of version 107.0.5304.121-1, Chromium can read Joystick devices but not evdev.

1000 is the default value, but you can set anything between 0 and {{30000. To get the axis number see the "Testing Your Configuration" section of this article.If you already have an option with a specific axis just type in the deadzone=value at the end of the parameter separated by a space.

The easiest way is using jstest-gtk from jstest-gtk-gitAUR. Select the joystick you want to edit, click the Properties button. On this new window, click the Calibration button (do not click Start Calibration after that). You can then set the CenterMin and CenterMax values, which control the center deadzone, and RangeMin and RangeMax, which control the end of throw deadzones. Note that the calibration settings are applied when the application opens the device, so you need to restart your game or test application to see updated calibration settings.

If the commands above give you an empty output, it could be because your controller is connected via Bluetooth, making these unique attributes only visible on the parent device(s). To mitigate this, you could try finding other unique attributes by running:

Imagine that you tested your gamepad with evtest-qt, and find out that your left joystick cannot reach the maximum read value when you direct it to top most position. The side effect of this is that in some games (for example, HITMAN 2) the character cannot run.

Run xboxdrv and determine how the problematic axis is called. In this case it is Y1. Now try to direct it to top most position several times, and determine the lowest value that you saw. Imagine it is 29426. Now to be on a safe side, we take the value that is lower than that, like 29000. Run the command:

Nice thing about xboxdrv is that it exports resulting device as both old Joystick API and new style evdev API so it should be compatible with basically any application. You can now see in jstest that the values of axis 1 (corresponds to vertical axis of left joystick) is read from 0 to -32767, and in evtest-qt that you can reach the maximum value. And your character in game can run. 152ee80cbc

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