
Academic year 2017/18:

Algebra II: Written exams are scheduled for 12/12/2017 (partial exam), 6/2/2018, 1/3/2018, 19/6/2018, 10/7/2018, 11/9/2018 . After successful passing of the written exam, students are invited to take an appointment (by telephone - 02-6448-5739 - or signing into a list at the door of my office U5-3067) for the oral exam. Please make sure you are registered (Segreterie online) for the oral and final exam.

Algebra III (Galois Theory): There will be 5 sessions of oral exams (by appointment): 19/1/2018, 26/2/2018, 18/6/2018, 16/7/2018, 10/9/2018.

Geometric Group Theory: There will be 5 sessions of oral exams (by appointment): 5/2/2018, 5/3/2018, 3/4/2018, 18/6/2018, 10/9/2018.