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The event was attended by Azerbaijan's Youth and Sports MinisterFarid Gayibov, Vice President of the National Olympic Committee ofAzerbaijan Chingiz Huseynzade, Secretary General of the NationalOlympic Committee Azer Aliyev, Executive Director of MediaDevelopment Agency Ahmed Ismayilov, Director General of Trend NewsAgency Ilgar Huseynov, as well as other officials andrepresentatives of the public.

"Our agency carries out both international and local projects.The idman.biz website, at the presentation of which we havegathered today, is one of such projects. First of all, I would liketo emphasize that the great attention and care shown by PresidentIlham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva to the presshas given a serious impetus to the development of the nationalmedia in recent years. The Azerbaijani press has entered a newstage of its development. We, being Trend News Agency, certainlytry to contribute to the development of media and work on newprojects in this direction," Kerimli said

"The site will function in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English.Our website presents the latest news about the world of sports,sports results, and analytical information. Our readers from allover the world interested in soccer, basketball, tennis, Formula 1,and other sports will be able to get acquainted with sports newspromptly and in full," added the deputy director of Trend NewsAgency.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, Minister of Youth andSports Farid Gayibov noted that sport is a state policy ofAzerbaijan. Thanks to the attention and care shown by the state toboth sports and media, Azerbaijani sports and media are flourishingtoday.

"Media resources of this type are being created and functioning.I would also like to thank Trend News Agency for their focus onsports. As the Ministry of Youth and Sports, this makes us veryhappy. It should be emphasized that the site functions in threelanguages. A special novelty is the broadcasting of news aboutAzerbaijani sport and sports news in English, which will be a meansof spreading more information about Azerbaijani sport in theworld," the minister added.

Vice President of the National Olympic Committee, ChingizHuseynzade, noted during his speech that the project "Sport and Us"(idman.biz) is an innovation in the sports sphere of Azerbaijan, asthe site will function in three languages.

"Trend News Agency is a well-known and influential mediaresource in Azerbaijan. I am confident that the sports websitedeveloped by Trend News Agency will take a worthy place in theAzerbaijani media space. I believe that this sports portal willalso devote a lot of space to Olympic and non-Olympic sports,"Huseynzade said.

"The more projects like Sport and Us (idman.biz), the more therewill be accurate and unbiased coverage of our athletes' success.This makes us very happy. Despite the shortcomings of social mediaand information resources in the modern era, the launch of such amedia resource, I am sure, will guide our youth and athletes to theright path," the world champion added.

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Volan Badminton Klubu olaraq baladmz ilk gndn mqlrimizd Azrbaycann glcyind sz sahibi olacaq uaqlarmza hr zaman stnlk vermiik. Mqsdimiz badminton zr milli komanda n idman yetidirmkl yana, glckd frqli sahd irlilslr bel, uaqlarmza badminton sevgisini alamaq v onlar hyatlar boyu getdiklri hr yerd bu idman nv il mul olmaa hvslndirmkdir. Biz uaqlarmza mqsdlrin atmaq n ilmyin vacibliyini v mxtlif yrdici v yrdici oyunlarla mntzm v nizam-intizaml ilrl uurun ld oluna bilcyini gstririk.

Badminton digr idman nvlrindn daha srtli oynanan idman nvdr. Hrktlri v reaksiyas srtli olsa da, rqibin meydandak mvqeyin uyun cavab ver bilck taktiki bacarq sviyysi yksk sviyyd olmaldr. Bu yolla uaqlarn akademik uurlarn yksk saxlayr. Bunun sbbi bu idmanla mul olan uaqlarn, etmyn uaqlara nisbtn daha tez qrar ver bilmsidir; Riskli vziyytlrd qrar vermy mcbur edilmirlr. Onlar da daha tez yrnirlr. Onun riyazi bacarqlar ox yksk olacaq

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