Our Commitment

Student Online Safety

Tutoring for YOUth is committed to providing studnets with free and SAFE access to a personal tutors.

Our efforts to keep students safe include:

  1. Students and Tutors will never have a 1-on-1 chat.

    • All messages are monitored by a TFY leader.

    • All ZOOM sessions are proctored and recorded.

  1. All tutors are trained to use ZOOM safely

  • Conversations are to be about academics only.

  • Tutor’s cameras are off.

  • Students' cameras are off, and if not, the tutor will ask them to turn it off.

  • Students can report abuse anonymously under the "Student Safety > Reporting Abuse" page.

  1. Parents or legal guardians are welcome to join the group chat and/or the zoom calls