Welcome to the Tuten Lab

We use adaptive optics to study vision. We are located at the UC Berkeley School of Optometry and affiliated with the Vision Science Graduate Group. To learn more, visit our Projects page.

Representative Publications

(Full list available here.)

Greene MJ, Boehm AE, Vanston JE, Pandiyan VP, Sabesan R, Tuten WS. (2024). Unique yellow shifts for small and brief stimuli in the central retina. Journal of Vision, 24(6), 2-2. (link)

Doyle HK, Herbeck SR, Boehm AE, Vanston JE, Ng R, Tuten WS, Roorda A (2023). Boosting 2-photon vision with adaptive optics. Journal of Vision, 23(12):1-16. (link)

Wang Y, Wong J, Duncan JL, Roorda A, Tuten WS (2023). Enhanced S-Cone Syndrome: Elevated Cone Counts Confer Supernomal Visual Acuity in the S-Cone Pathway. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 64(10): 1-13. (pdf)

Vanston JE, Boehm AE, Tuten WS, Roorda A (2023). It's not easy seeing green: The veridical perception of small spots. Journal of Vision, 23(5): 1-15. (pdf)

Wang Y, La T T, Mason M, Tuten WS, Roorda A (2023). Case Report: Multimodal, Longitudinal Assessment of Retinal Structure and Function following Laser Retinal Injury. Optometry and Vision Science, 10-1097. (pdf)

Tuten WS, Harmening WM (2021). Foveal vision. Current Biology, 31(11): R701-R703.  (link)

Tuten WS, Vergilio G, Young G, Bennett J, Maguire A, Aleman TS, Brainard DH, Morgan JIW (2019). Visual function at the atrophic border in choroideremia assessed with adaptive optics microperimetry. Ophthalmology Retina, 3(10): 888-899. PMID: 31235310 (pdf)

Tuten WS, Cooper RF, Tiruveedhula P, Dubra A, Roorda A, Cottaris NP, Brainard DH, Morgan JIW (2018). Spatial summation in the human fovea: Do normal optical aberrations and fixational eye movements have an effect? Journal of Vision, 18(8): 6-6. PMID: 30105385 (pdf)

Tuten WS*, Harmening WM*, Sabesan R, Roorda A, Sincich LC (2017). Spatiochromatic interactions between individual cone photoreceptors in the human retina. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(39): 9498-9509. PMID: 28871030 (pdf)

Sabesan R*, Schmidt BP*, Tuten WS, Roorda A (2016). The elementary representation of spatial and color vision in the human retina. Science Advances, 2, e1600797. PMID: 27652339 (pdf) (Press coverage on the Science Magazine, Wired Magazine, and Popular Science websites.) 

Wang Q, Tuten WS, Lujan BJ, Holland J, Bernstein PS, Schwartz SD, Duncan JL, Roorda A (2015). Adaptive optics microperimetry and OCT images in macular telangiectasia type 2 retinal lesions show preserved function and recovery of cone visibility. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 56(2): 778-786. PMID: 25587056 (pdf)

Harmening WM*, Tuten WS*, Roorda A, Sincich LC (2014). Mapping the perceptual grain of the human retina. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(16): 5667-5677. PMID: 24741057 (pdf)

Tuten WS, Tiruveedhula P, Roorda A (2012). Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope-based microperimetry. Optometry and Vision Science. 89(5): 563-574. PMID: 22446720 (pdf)


November, 2023: Welcome to new post-doc Jingyi He, PhD!

July, 2023: Charlotte Wang's paper on supernormal S-cone-mediate visual acuity ESCS is out in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science! (pdf)

January, 2023: Charlotte Wang's manuscript on laser-induced retinal injury (co-authored with Austin Roorda) has been accepted as a case report in Optometry and Vision Science! Well done, Charlotte! (pdf)

October, 2022: Congrats to JT Pirog for presenting a poster at the 2022 Optica Fall Vision Meeting and to Charlotte Wang for being selected as the 2022 American Academy of Optometry Centennial Ezell Fellow!

May, 2022: Congrats to Charlotte Wang for being awarded the Best Trainee Lightning Talk Award at the UCSF Ophthalmology Research Day event!

March, 2022: Farewell to Ally Boehm, PhD, who has accepted a new position at Google! Good luck, Ally!

November, 2021: Congrats to Alisa Braun for winning the Optica (formerly OSA) Fall Vision Meeting Young Investigator Award! 

June, 2021: Congrats to Charlotte Wang for being selected as a 2021 William C. Ezell Fellowship recipient! (Click here for the AAOF press release.)

June, 2021: Our commentary on foveal vision (co-authored with Wolf Harmening) is now out in Current Biology! (link)

June, 2021: Welcome to new lab members Alisa Braun and Max Greene!

February, 2021: Our project "Probing, Modeling & Reprogramming Visual Perception at the Level of Individual Photoreceptors" was selected for a $7.5M MURI Award sponsored by the Department of Defense. Grant PI: Ren Ng (UCB EECS); Co-PIs: Will Tuten, Austin Roorda, and Bruno Olshausen (UCBSO), Ram Sabesan and Fred Rieke (Univ. of Washington), and Lawrence Sincich (UAB). (press release)

August, 2020: Welcome to new lab members JT Pirog and Charlotte Wang, along with first-year rotation student Max Greene!

June, 2020: The lab is grateful for support from the Hellman Fellows Fund and the Alcon Research Institute.

We welcome inquires from interested graduate students and post-docs!