The life cycle of sea turtles begins with their hatchlings breaking through their shells and crawling towards the ocean. After baby turtles hatch, they follow the moonlight towards the shore. When the turtles are in the water, they grow, reproduce, and start another life cycle.

As residential areas grew in the Atlantic and Gulf Coast, the sea turtles began to suffer. Baby turtles would follow the light from local residences instead of the moonlight. Unfortunately, if baby turtles don't reach their natural habitat they die within a few days.

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My guess is you're trying to call turtle screen methods without actually having a turtle screen. When turtle is embedded in tkinter like this, you can overlay a Canvas with a TurtleScreen instance which will provide some, but not all, of the screen features of the standalone turtle:

I just have the answer for the two windows that are being created: the one with the turtles is obvious, and the blank one is for the main root window that you define (window = tk.Tk()). If you want it not to appear at all, you can add the following line right after its definition:

If none of the matrix elements are given, return the transformationmatrix as a tuple of 4 elements.Otherwise set the given elements and transform the turtleshapeaccording to the matrix consisting of first row t11, t12 andsecond row t21, t22. The determinant t11 * t22 - t12 * t21 must not bezero, otherwise an error is raised.Modify stretchfactor, shearfactor and tiltangle according to thegiven matrix.

Set or disable undobuffer. If size is an integer, an empty undobuffer ofgiven size is installed. size gives the maximum number of turtle actionsthat can be undone by the undo() method/function. If size isNone, the undobuffer is disabled.

If no arguments are given, return current (canvaswidth, canvasheight). Elseresize the canvas the turtles are drawing on. Do not alter the drawingwindow. To observe hidden parts of the canvas, use the scrollbars. With thismethod, one can make visible those parts of a drawing which were outside thecanvas before.

Turn turtle animation on/off and set delay for update drawings. Ifn is given, only each n-th regular screen update is reallyperformed. (Can be used to accelerate the drawing of complexgraphics.) When called without arguments, returns the currentlystored value of n. Second argument sets delay value (seedelay()).

The functional interface for turtle graphics uses the various methods ofTurtle and TurtleScreen/Screen. Behind the scenes, a screenobject is automatically created whenever a function derived from a Screenmethod is called. Similarly, a turtle object is automatically createdwhenever any of the functions derived from a Turtle method is called.

Create and write docstring-dictionary to a Python script with the givenfilename. This function has to be called explicitly (it is not used by theturtle graphics classes). The docstring dictionary will be written to thePython script It is intended to serve as a templatefor translation of the docstrings into different languages.

If you want to use a different configuration which better reflects the featuresof this module or which better fits to your needs, e.g. for use in a classroom,you can prepare a configuration file turtle.cfg which will be read at importtime and modify the configuration according to its settings.

The entries exampleturtle and examplescreen define the names of theseobjects as they occur in the docstrings. The transformation ofmethod-docstrings to function-docstrings will delete these names from thedocstrings.

The Turtle methods shearfactor(), shapetransform() andget_shapepoly() have been added. Thus the full range ofregular linear transforms is now available for transforming turtle shapes.tiltangle() has been enhanced in functionality: it now canbe used to get or set the tilt angle. settiltangle() has beendeprecated.

A world-first AI-infused cloud-based system that can quickly analyse thousands of aerial photographs of remote beaches in northern Australia to identify evidence of both turtle nests and their predators has been developed by CSIRO, Aak Puul Ngantam (APN) Cape York Indigenous rangers and Microsoft as part of a National Environmental Science Program (NESP) partnership.

Automating and accelerating turtle nest monitoring gives Indigenous rangers the best chance of protecting nests, controlling predators and helping increase the chance of Hawksbill, Flatback and Olive Ridley turtle hatchling survival.

While turtle is one of many traditional food sources for coastal communities of Indigenous people, they have always been consumed at a sustainable level. Feral pigs however can decimate turtle populations if left unchecked.

Some control methods have been shown to reduce feral pig predation of turtle nests by as much as 90 per cent. But there are three big challenges for rangers managing these control programs: accessing remote beaches, knowing where nests are being attacked by predators, and when.

It can prove impossible to get to the turtle beach until late July or August after a wet season, when the waist deep, 100-metre wide floodplain is too boggy to traverse. That is long after the peak nesting period which begins in June.

To speed up the process, CSIRO approached Microsoft to see whether AI could help identify relevant information quickly from the tens of thousands of survey images, to pinpoint locations where there was evidence of turtle nesting and predator activity (by identifying animal tracks).

This work has seen 20,000 hatchlings make it to the ocean every season. An entire ecosystem is being stabilised. New technology like AI is playing a vital role to bring turtles back from the brink of extinction.

Using this research to target turtle management activities has already reduced predation levels down to under 30 per cent which CSIRO and APN Cape York believe will safeguard a sustainable population of turtles.

Turtle graphics were based on turtle robots, which were used in programming. In 1948, Grey Walter created his first robots, named Elmer and Elsie. People often thought his robots looked and moved like tortoises.

Today it was donuts. Microsoft thought I needed to spend all day staring at donuts. And it is not in windows 11, just loser Windows 10. Today lots of sites including Glizmodo had how to remove it. Just like the thurott forum member posted last week.

PythonTurtle strives to provide the lowest-threshold way to learn (or teach) software development in the Python programming language. Students command an interactive Python shell (similar to the IDLE development environment) and use Python functions to move a turtle displayed on the screen. An illustrated help screen introduces the student to the basics of Python programming while demonstrating how to move the turtle.

Living on or near the coastline comes with many perks, but as most homeowners [situated near the coast] know it also comes with additional responsibilities/requirements. Besides needing extra protection when bearing the brunt of severe weather storms, many homeowners are also required to comply with sea turtle protection ordinances. Upon hatching, baby sea turtles instinctively move toward the moonlight and into the ocean. However, over the years as artificial lights became more common along the coastline, the sea turtle hatchlings, confused by the light, would make their way inland where they would die of dehydration or consumed by predators.

The state of Florida implemented Section 161.163, Florida Statutes, which requires the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to designate coastal areas utilized, or likely to be utilized, by sea turtles for nesting, and to establish guidelines for local government regulations that control beachfront lighting to protect hatching sea turtles. Read the model lighting ordinance in Chapter 62B-55 to learn more.

How do I know if the fixture is and bulb is turtle friendly? FWC provides a Wildlife Lighting Certification to make it easy to determine. Look for the FWC Certification on the packaging. More information can be found on the FWC website:


Do I need curtains if I already have tinted turtle glass? Yes, 45 percent transmittance does not mitigate light pollution from interior lights enough to prevent disorientations of sea turtles. Therefore the Sea Turtle Ordinance requires window covers to be installed. Window coverings with low light transmittance such as black out curtains are recommended to shield interior lights from the beach.

Green Sea Turtle, originally known as Green Sea turtle swims past school of Racoon butterflyfish, is a sample picture included in Windows Vista, licensed from Getty Images. It was taken by Jeff Hunter. It depicts a green sea turtle swimming past a school of Racoon butterflyfish. It is a digital composite, created out of photos taken near the Kona Coast of Hawaii, USA. The image was taken down from Getty in 2020.

In recent years, sea turtle biologists, nest surveyors, code enforcement personnel and conservation organizations have reported an increase in temporary lighting use from the public such as white flashlights and cell phone use on the beach for nighttime recreational activities. This emerging trend poses a threat to nesting beaches, even in areas that have undergone a lighting retrofit and are considered sea turtle friendly. White flashlights are full spectrum, which means they contain both short and long wavelengths; short wavelength light disorients sea turtles.

One way that people have tried to mitigate this problem is by distributing these popular flashlight stickers. When a person attaches it to the lens on their flashlight or cell phone light, the light appears red. However, despite the red appearance, filters do not alter the wavelength of light (as confirmed by spectrometer readings) and can still negatively affect sea turtles.

Red LED flashlights and headlamps are also advertised to the public as a turtle friendly alternative. Even though red flashlights or red headlamps can actually be long wavelength, the intensity of a long wavelength flashlight still poses a threat to nesting females and hatchling sea turtles. e24fc04721

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